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tank rust


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Thanks. Thought about coating it but got a decent deal on a used tank and pump. I plan to try to clean the tank and coat with something once I find the best product for it. I also plan on cleaning the pump and screen and having a spare or selling both.

This just sucks cause the bike runs ok except for an occasional heistation/surging issue once hot. I look forward to getting this fixed an continue to put miles on.

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There used to be a place in Columbus, that you could get a tank dipped and stripped. You'd have to surface treat the tank after that, inside and out. And then paint it. I'd like to know if that place is still there, or if there is a place like that now. It's a lot of work, and probably isn't worth it compared to just buying a new one. Unless it's a collectible or something that can't be replaced.

edit: I've been through this, I had one tank completely rust out on one side at the bottom seam, from the inside, from age. I bought 3 more, cheap on eBay. One was near perfect.

Edited by ReconRat
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There are kits out there that just etch the inside of the tank, and come with a coating. It would save you a paint job, and for what you'd have in a kit you could have a spare, or sell the tank and put some coin in your pocket. http://www.kbs-coatings.com/KBS-Cycle-Tank-Sealer-Kit_p_31.html

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