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Computer nerds..anyone have experience with an ultra-wide monitor in Eyefinity?


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I'm curious if anyone knows if this will work, I guess I could just buy/try and send back, but if someone has seen this before...all the better.


I've been running an Eyefinity setup since AMD released it years ago and my middle original monitor is on its last legs, the 2 flanking screens had been replaced...so 7years is pretty good considering it runs nearly non-stop.


Anyways, I was looking at some of the new wide-screens and ran into this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824014487

Which my flanking are just plain jane BenQ 27" 1920x1080 60Hz monitors, but the screen dimensions seem like this would fit between them...I just don't know if anyone has ran a setup like this before a 27" - 35" Ultrawide - 27"? I mainly just do windowed gaming, since I'm sure full widescreen would not work...it would be like 6400x1080, which is rather odd size.


If thats a bad idea...has just a regular curved monitor between 2 flats ever been used for a little extra depth perception?

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