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Handle bar vibration


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I get a bit to much vibration through my handle bars (MX style one piece bars) & I have heard that putting BB pellets in the bar can help reduce the vibration.


Does is matter what kind/size/weight the BB pellets are & is there anything else that can be used instead?

p.s. I do already have bar ends.

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filling it with BB pellets or bird shot might help absorb the vibration. Just your standard sized BB I would think might do it.

Filling it with some sort of gel, sealer or filler might be even better.

I'm not sure if anyones tried it before, but wrapping a portion of each side (before the grips) in Dynamat or roofing material might help.

The whole idea is to alter the bars resonant frequency. Adding enough of anything to them made of a different material may have an affect.

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Dynamat is an interesting idea, I would be curious to see if that worked. Just s small peice under the bars, prolly wouldnt even be able to see it

My first thought was a small piece or strip along under the bar also, but handle bars are relatively thick and round so I thought maybe wrapping a strip around them might help a bit better. The idea being if it where just along a "side" the vibration could still travel around it due to it's shape.

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