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Wall Mounted TV Stands


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For those of you that have your TV mounted on the wall, what are you using the hold your cable box, media centers, etc....? I will be mounting my 60" tv to the wall in my new home, but cannot decide what to put under it. Ideally something slim as there is not a ton of space in the living room. A floating shelf would be cool, but haven't found one i liked.
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I just went through this myself.... after searching checking prices and figuring out what will actually fit my components.... i ended up going with this https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Media-Bookshelves/2031/subcat.html?featuredproduct=7986250&featuredoption=11098199&cid=202290&kid=9553000357392&track=pspla&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=15354359-000-000&gclid=Cj0KEQjwx96-BRDyzY3GqcqZgcgBEiQANHd-nmrXq-Jl0MwL8mh3NTulThhWaUYipxcbYLCBH5ZQoIQaAkuS8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds


It can fit a full size reciever and cable box/ps4. Its pretty nice.


Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

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I have my TV hanging on the wall and nothing else around it for a super clean look. All the cables go through the wall, down to the basement and then back up towards the back of the living room where I have my PS4 and receiver (directv box used to be there too until I "cut the cord") sitting hidden behind the couch. On top of that sits the Harmony Hub receiver/transmitter which controls it all.


Did something similar in the bedroom, everything just goes through the wall and sits inside the closet.


EDIT: If you have a samsung you can use these wallmounts. They are super slim, you hang the TV just like a picture frame. http://www.samsung.com/us/televisions-home-theater/television-home-theater-accessories/televisions/ultra-slim-wall-mount-wmn3000bx-za/


EDIT 2: I used something like this behind the TV: http://www.monoprice.com/Product?p_id=8475&gclid=Cj0KEQjwx96-BRDyzY3GqcqZgcgBEiQANHd-npOsJgUC1hy6i-IRJV1I5c9G1PCrOL5vOuHlfyLsEI0aAskV8P8HAQ

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