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Android 7.1


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I'm on a Pixel with 7.1, 100% stock. I'm not seeing anything like that under dev options.


Well fuck me. I can't connect to the WIFI at work without the legacy driver. Know of any ideas to enable this in ADB or any other way?

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How do you like the Pixel? I was thinking about upgrading to it, but it doesn't seem to have any ground breaking technology to it. not even waterproof.


I love it. I switched from a Nexus 5 to the Pixel, so for me it was pretty significant step up in tech.


The waterproofing doesn't bother me personally, it's rating I feel like is perfect for the average user. It does seem to perform better than it's rating though. There are a few videos about it like this one:



The screen is gorgeous, the camera is incredible, it's fast and the build quality is fantastic.


I was always a die hard Nexus fan, but Pixel gives you the latest and greatest hardware along with software. It really brings what makes iPhones great to Android.

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