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streaming music options ...


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Sound quality on YouTube can be horrid, depending on the uploader. Same thing with Youtube Music. Most every track on Spotify is A+.


Some of the remix's can't be found on Spotify. I'll deal with it.


Need to look into free Google music, though.


Most of the EDM I listen to on Youtube is uploaded in 1080p, so the audio is good quality. Google Music is 320kpbs audio is the same is spotify, but I have to admit that Spotify sounds a lot better for some odd reason. I am not a "hardcore" audiophile, but I honestly just prefer Google Music at the end of the day. My entire collection is uploaded to google, so I guess i'm pot committed at this point. It would take a LOT to get me to move my 1TB+ music collection off google's servers. :lol:

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Google Music is 320kpbs audio is the same is spotify, but I have to admit that Spotify sounds a lot better for some odd reason.


Spotify either pre-amps every track or puts them through some sort of remastering filter. The difference is night-and-day.

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The hacked part is just removing the paid provisioning. I've been using it forever.


Let me just update and say that its fucking awesome. During my 2 hour lift yesterday I didnt hear a single ad and skipped a bunch of times without issue.


+rep to you sir.

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There is one song I've wanted to add they didn't have it the library.


There's a number of Songs Spotify doesn't have that they should. Then again I listen to alot of Underground shit (Mostly Rap) that got lost in the 90's. They have alot of Tracks, alot. But they don't have everything by a long stretch.


Going to contact them and see if they will upload certain Albums / Tracks per Request. Im guessing they will.

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