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Citywide Scavenger hunt ideas?


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Hi guys, we are doing a citywide scavenger hunt for work and we need some more ideas.


Here's what we have so far.


EASY: 1 Point

Video of a teammate breakdancing in the middle of a crowd at a mall

Teammate juggling, dancing, or signing in front of a crowd in public

Standing under a public clock at 4:00pm

Entire team standing next to a Harley Davidson

A mid air picture of a teammate jumping off a swing.

A picture of a teammate with a wild animal

A Picture of the entire team standing by a red convertible sports car

A picture of a team member holding a puppy at a pet store

Team’s reflection in something other than a mirror or window

A picture of a team member doing a handstand in front of a statue

At least 50 cents worth of found money on the ground


MEDIUM: 2 Points

Picture of a teammate carrying a strangers groceries

Picture of a team mate giving a police officer bunny ears

Video of someone being served a glass of milk at a bar

A picture of a dog going to the bathroom

3 Teammates standing in a retail window acting as mannequins

Picture of 3 teammates planking in front of a government building

A picture eating Mcdonalds in front of a Burger King

A team picture of the city from 10 stories up

Picture doing the “O-H-I-O” in front of the HorseShoe (either/OR)

A bag of as much trash as you can find on the ground

A Lawyers business card


HARD: 3 Points

A member of your group handcuffed to a police officer

Getting a male teammate to try on a dress at a department store

Team member standing on a diving board

Picture of a teammate folding a stranger’s laundry in a laundromat

Whole team standing in a boat

Entire team sitting on a firetruck

Entire team sitting with an unknown family at a restaurant

A picture on the Green of a Golf course tending the flag

A picture with a mascot

A family recipe from a local resident


XXX HARD: 5 Points

Video of convincing a stranger to let you try their food

Video of a teammate bowling a strangers ball in a bowling game

A picture with someone famous

Picture doing the “O-H-I-O” inside of the HorseShoe (either/or)

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Buy food from one restaurant and picture of eating it another

Test drive an exotic car

Picture with a court house judge

Picture rolling down the hill or team wheelbarrowing at the Hoover Dam

Picture holding a funny protest sign in front of City Hall

Convince manager to give you basket full of Red Lobster biscuits (every wins with this one)

Holding hilarious sign at the arrival airport terminal

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Buy food from one restaurant and picture of eating it another

Test drive an exotic car

Picture with a court house judge

Picture rolling down the hill or team wheelbarrowing at the Hoover Dam

Picture holding a funny protest sign in front of City Hall

Convince manager to give you basket full of Red Lobster biscuits (every wins with this one)

Holding hilarious sign at the arrival airport terminal


Not bad !!

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