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Big possible change to CCW law.


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Is Kasich gonna sign it in wake of the OSU incident?




PUBLISHED: 12/07/16 11:52 PM EST.UPDATED: 12/08/16 04:31 AM EST.


Gun owners may soon be able to carry concealed weapons in day cares and universities.


Late Wednesday night, the Ohio Senate passed House Bill 48. It removes several places from it's "Forbidden Zone" list. It's currently illegally in Ohio to carry a concealed handgun on college campuses and daycares, but House Bill 48 changes that.


The legislation now goes back to the House for a final vote. It will then need Governor Kasich's signature to become law.


Can the universities still remain a gun free zone even if the law passes by just enacting policy? Like I could still carry but if caught I'd lose my job but no criminal charges.

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A bunch of hungover, Testosterone-filled College kids packing guns. Most of whom have only owned a Gun for 5 years (If that) or less. Sounds potentially problematic.


I'd rather have armed Faculty and Staff. But whatever.

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I really doubt there will be that many. Can't purchase or apply for ccw until 21. Anyone in a dorm or some type of shared campus living area will probably remain off limits. So that leaves upperclass students that most likely commute and students that waited for college(veterans, career changers, families that may finally have the time).


As far as non students on campus carrying thats I don't really know about. Didn't read much about the open carry show this week but I imagine those same types will walk around looking for their hero moment now.

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So...juniors and seniors then, no freshmen or sophomores. Or in Greek terms the people who do the hazing, not the people receiving the hazing.


You're an amazing person and by far the most intelligent on this forum in every facet. Everyone here can only hope to someday be as awesome and smart as you. You are an amazing attorney and quite the debonair.

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Looks like I took too long eating dinner and writing this. Oh, well.


I'm not so sure I can agree with that, AJ. You'll still need to be 21 to be legal with a CHL and owning a handgun. So, for the straight out of HS to college crowd, that's a JR or SR year student. I wouldn't expect to see a surge in that group for totting a gat. I think the more positive view on this, is the veteran student group that is trained, and would be able to carry. Several stories were aired about veterans stepping into action to ensure their follow students were safe, should the attacker on OSU end up in their area. There are always going to be dangers with allowing guns in places. I would be willing to bet there is a high likelihood of current, under aged, untrained students with weapons on campus.


The Governor has been very gun friendly from my viewpoint, for the last few years. Like, surprisingly accommodating to what my personnel interests are. I see the ability of a responsible person, properly credentialed, to be able to maintain their arms to remain safe. Now, the argument many will give is that the Second Amendment has nothing to do with being properly credentialed. "Right shall not be infringed", yet in today's age, our laws infringe and have requirements.


Ben, I believe you work on a campus, is that right? If this law was to be passed, your employee handbook will need to address this topic. For instance, 3 years ago a Kroger employee shot and killed a 18 year old who went in and robbed the customer service counter at midnight, using a gun. Kroger's employee handbook stated that employees can not carry while on the clock. However, we all know customers can carry in Krogers, unless posted otherwise. This need to be address to HR and the department heads.

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Didn't read much about the open carry show this week but I imagine those same types will walk around looking for their hero moment now.


All them Country Kids from Southeastern "Ahia" will open-carry any chance they get.


Can't wait to see how this plays out on Campus if passed :lol:

Edited by acklac7
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Carrying legally, creates a lot of additional frustrations and responsibilities. People cutting corners to have a gun on them is a scary risk. By cutting corners I mean, gun in a back pack/ off body with no holster, bags being forgotten around campus with a gun in it (happens every day), and many other things that will need to be addressed and reminded to students who decide to carry.


The reality is that an attack on OSU or any other Ohio campus is extremely unlikely to happen again. Some things to keep in mind, in 2011 Ohio was number two in the US for highest population of Somali's who have ties to Islamic groups with an interest in harming the US. Enacting a law that allows students and staff to carry, is a huge deterrent for an area to go do bad things.

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This only eliminates the automatic CCW ban for those sites. The institutions still have the option to keep it in effect by posting the no CCW signs. I don't see any daycares or colleges allowing CCW, so this bill is effectively meaningless.


That is what I was thinking.

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So...juniors and seniors then, no freshmen or sophomores. Or in Greek terms the people who do the hazing, not the people receiving the hazing.


No Freshmen have ever been over the age of 21 :dumb:, didn't OSU have a 30 something Aussie kicker a couple years ago? Nobody goes to school late in life. Way to assume....

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So hypothetically speaking, let's say it gets passed and there is another attack at OSU (I hope not but you never know). The law has passed but the school still has signs banning having weapons on campus. Someone with their CCW that is carrying stops the attacked with deadly force. Would this person be in trouble even though he saved the day?


Serious question... This goes for places like movie theaters and what not as well.

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A bunch of hungover, Testosterone-filled College kids packing guns. Most of whom have only owned a Gun for 5 years (If that) or less. Sounds potentially problematic.


I'd rather have armed Faculty and Staff. But whatever.


"Get off my lawn"

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I hope to god this gains traction and sticks. Ive always felt uneasy at cscc. Dudes at night are always huddled up in a group in some dark corner mumbling in a language.


That whole campus is sketchy. Poorly lit parking lots, interesting demographics, and less than motivated security.

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