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Ben Shapiro


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For now, until otherwise stated, my proper pronoun will be "The Bearded Them."


I feel like "The Bearded Them" should be the name of a Mumford and sons cover band.


I'm sure all of the liberals and feminists will be happy when transgender females take over their sports like they're already starting to do.


I'm on to you Brandon, I know your plan. However your scheme to make intelligent people slap their foreheads and bang their heads against the desk by saying inanely stupid stuff in an effort to diminish their brain cells until they are on your level and see things your way isn't going to work. Your comments they are just too superficial to be taken seriously. Thank you for the laugh today, I needed it.



p.s. I think Obama is still coming for your guns...you better go hide them!!!!!!

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I feel like "The Bearded Them" should be the name of a Mumford and sons cover band.


Well, we also identify as the most talented musicians to have ever existed despite never having touched a musical instrument in our lives.

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I feel like "The Bearded Them" should be the name of a Mumford and sons cover band.




I'm on to you Brandon, I know your plan. However your scheme to make intelligent people slap their foreheads and bang their heads against the desk by saying inanely stupid stuff in an effort to diminish their brain cells until they are on your level and see things your way isn't going to work. Your comments they are just too superficial to be taken seriously. Thank you for the laugh today, I needed it.



p.s. I think Obama is still coming for your guns...you better go hide them!!!!!!



What intelligent people are you referring to? :confused:


Are we talking about the 2nd amendment now? Classic deflection

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Remember when you got your feelings hurt by the word Tranny? Classic...


No, I don't, and it makes my post all the more prescient.


Nobody in this thread has been offended or thrown a "hissy fit." I even explicitly said that RC K9 can keep using the word if he wants, but continuing to use it after being informed of its perception colors his character. That's it. I didn't get mad, or hurl insults, or stomp my feet. Honestly, I can't think of a tamer way to convey my feelings about the issue. Is even that ridiculously tame response too much for some people? Would that make them...




But it doesn't matter how calmly or reasonably they make the request, a few games of telephone later and it gets twisted and exaggerated to some cartoonish example of millenials being thinned-skinned pussies.

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I'm sure all of the liberals and feminists will be happy when transgender females take over their sports like they're already starting to do.


I'm surprised a country hasn't done this yet to their female olympic team and won all the gold medals.

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I'm surprised a country hasn't done this yet to their female olympic team and won all the gold medals.


It'll happen. Soon there is going to be an all out war between modern feminists and trannys. Their two ideologies are already clashing. It'll only get worse as men who pretend to be women continue to dominate actual women. :lolguy:

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