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Drone recommendation

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I want a drone for work for dropping my throwline into high trees that are thick in foliage. Looking for something inexpensive, easy to fly and one that I can attach the bait drop attachment to for my throw line. Must be able to carry a 12oz weight up with it.
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Nothing DJI if you plan on a payload other than a camera.


eh, I disagree... This statement would only be applicable for something very heavy (10-15 pounds).


I would recommend a DJI Phantom 3 (Advanced or Pro) because I have owned one for two years and had rock solid results. During Halloween we decorate the Drone to fly up and down the streets and add a cloth, lights, and other things to make it spooky. My buddy Kevan actually modified his DJI Phantom 2 with a hook that he fabricated to get a Frisbee out of a stuck tree. Worked out great and he posted the video on YouTube.


I would say, IF you buy a Phantom, Make sure you tie the rope near the center away from the camera (which is removable, if you are brave and want to fly blind/with your own eyes.) Sounds like you could fly without the camera if you are just flying over a tree.


Best of luck, hope this helps!

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I’ve had an inspire for a few years now. Burned up 2 IMUs from uncontrolled oscillation hanging something like a pendulum from the bottom. The lightbridge does not allow an extra channel for releasing anything.


Damn man, that's really unfortunate. I have had plenty of success loading up my Phantom 3 with at least 4 pounds of gear and it does just fine. I work at a high school and use my Phantom to move small things in promotional videos for the school and have never had issues.

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