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Is the Earth Flat?


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Folks are nuts, but the memes are hilarious. "Flat-earthers" are some of my favorite people...to read about. Not IRL.























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My question is why did this topic come up??? Surfing the internet recently I've come across flat-earthers (outside of CR). It's "funny" how we all started seeing this stuff about the same time.



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Must be a distraction

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My fiancée's coworker is a flat earther. She has admitted she knows she's insane for believing it BUT SHE CAN'T FIND PROOF THAT IT'S WRONG. I've tried to help her think critically about it. I've tried appealing to logic, and to emotion. I've tried, and I just think that for some people, the more you try the more they believe. It's not insanity, it's just an inability to apply the scientific method to...anything.
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This mother fucker sent me on a legit month long binger trying to figure this shit out


1) Thank you for the link. Truly. I love Joe Rogan and that vid was comical.

2) How friggin' high were you for THAT to send you on a 1 month search for whether the earth was flat or not? Basically some dude just went, "I'm crazy and I can't prove the earth ISN'T flat MYSELF. :dumb:

3) In your opinion, is the earth flat or spherical?

4) Eddie didn't do anything other than admit he's nuts and don't know wtf he's talking about.


:lol: That was great.


Columbus must be rolling in his grave.


Why? He didn't do shit yet he gets celebrated. He proved nothing and discovered nothing. If anything THAT story could be shown as "proof that people will believe what they're told".


I'll wait for the video of this guy committing suicide via rocket before I draw my conclusions.


:lolguy: Right? I can't WAIT to see the vid after watching his "launch" vid from 5 years ago (linked in the article).

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