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Net Neutrality


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not sure what AT&T is gonna do, I am locked in (in writing) 1000mB/s for $70 for life....


They may have to provide a 1000mB connection, but with Net Neutrality repealed they will be under no obligation to actually serve you the websites you want at that speed. Sure, AT&T has a deal with DirecTV, so you'll be able to stream NFL games to your PS4 via Sunday Ticket over a gig connection, but if you want to watch NASCAR chase for the cup, too fucking bad because that's being streamed on NBC, which is owned by Comcast, a direct competitor of AT&T, so they're gonna discriminate against that data and you'll have to buy a separate NASCAR streaming access package to speed up those streams.

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I think people should stop overthinking things they have no control over.......and should focus on what they can control.....just sayin.


exactly, like voting in congresspeople that support the passage of net neutrality laws.


Between the House and Senate there were 265 individuals who either sent a letter to the FCC asking to strike down net neutrality or voted down net neutrality laws in the past. Don't let the fact that all of them are Republican sway you, the Telecom's spend indiscriminately across both parties.


In Ohio Rob Portman is the only senator who opposed net neutrality. It's a shame because he is a good bipartisan working partner, but if he isn't for Net Neutrality then he isn't representing his constituency but the Telecoms which paid $89,000 to his last campaign (2016).


In the House of Representatives the following Ohio Reps took money from Telecoms and supported the end of net neutrality:


Bill Johnson, Ohio, $196,666

Steve Chabot, Ohio, $332,083

Brad Wenstrup, Ohio, $33,750


If you see these names on the Ballot, vote for the other guy. If you are a dyed in the wool republican, don't worry 3/4ths of republican voters polled don't support the end of net neutrality either, so this isn't a matter of selling out your party or other such nonsense - it's just a way to course correct the party.


Politicians are simple creatures, the only thing they respond to are money and votes. Since most don't have the money to match the telecom industry in donations, the only way to make the party reverse position is to vote those who don't support what you want out of office. I highly doubt net neutrality is the hill the party wants to die on so the moment they see this issue threaten their power in government they will jump ship. If you oppose this and you still vote for these individuals, you send the message that Net Neutrality isn't important and it won't cost the politicans anything to oppose it - if you want them to change their position you have to cost them something (like their position in the government).

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Naah naah, fuck all that. People should just sit back and take it up the rear. Just think, what would The Sons of Liberty do. They had no control over the Tea Act and should just focus on things they can control.


There are two things that the Trump election and subsequent political events positively proved for America:


1) the voting system is not rigged (at least not in the way most people think it is)


2) If the politician has no fear of losing his seat, he/she has no fear about selling out the majority of his/her constituents to a special interest on specific issues.


Until this recent action, Net Neutrality was having a hard time registering with people despite a lot of really aggressive advertising in it's favor. But now? It may be one of the bigger items in the 2018 congressional elections. All 435 voting house seats will be up for grabs as well as 33 senate seats, 1 in each of the following states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


In Ohio Sherrod Brown's seat is coming up for grabs, and he supports net neutrality, so he needs to hold his seat. Rob Portman does not support NN, but his term doesn't expire till 2022.


But Bill, Steve, and Brad in the house of representatives? all their seats are up for grabs and putting a NN friendly person in them will make it possible for a bill to pass if it gets introduced.

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well, fuck my shit:




It's pretty telling when your own agency thinks you are such a shill that they need to verify it.


By the way this isn't even over net neutrality, it's over Sinclair media's attempt to become the local broadcast monopoly.


For those who don't know sinclair broadcast group - they are the media company that makes liars out of people who use the term "liberal media". They are the largest television operator in the country and are wildly conservative. If you think your local news isn't politically charged, think again - Sinclair owns 3 of the local stations in Columbus broadcast area. And their tactics are shady as shit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group#Political_views



so...if fuckboi Ajit Pai is found to be the shill the world thinks he is, then what? do we get our net neutrality back?

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well, fuck my shit:




It's pretty telling when your own agency thinks you are such a shill that they need to verify it.


By the way this isn't even over net neutrality, it's over Sinclair media's attempt to become the local broadcast monopoly.


For those who don't know sinclair broadcast group - they are the media company that makes liars out of people who use the term "liberal media". They are the largest television operator in the country and are wildly conservative. If you think your local news isn't politically charged, think again - Sinclair owns 3 of the local stations in Columbus broadcast area. And their tactics are shady as shit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group#Political_views



so...if fuckboi Ajit Pai is found to be the shill the world thinks he is, then what? do we get our net neutrality back?


3? I thought it was just ABC and Fox, what's the 3rd?

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