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Texas high school shooting


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There you have it folks. There is no correlation between hard work and success, in fact, we should encourage and reward those who contribute as little as possible to society.


I think you mean causation, not correlation. You are using the word correlation, but treating it like causation - one is any kind of link (correlation), the other is a direct cause and effect connection (causation). Words have meanings, it helps if you use the correct one.


And yes there is not always Causation between hard work and success.


Hard work increases the probability of success, but it is not a guarantee. Stop treating it like a guarantee. There are plenty of people who work damn hard and it doesn't make them any more money or advance them in their career. There are plenty of people who don't work all that hard and advance and keep making money. It's a factor, but stop treating it like it's THE factor because it isn't. Networking, experience, nepotism, cronyism, money, education, and pure dumb luck all play as much as a factor in increasing the chances of success.


but yeah, if you believe that hard work on it's own without any other factor can provide success every single time - man I don't know what to tell you other than you are a sucker. I'm not saying people shouldn't work hard - anything you can do to increase your chances of success you should do, but I am saying that if you think not being successful is an indicator of not working hard...that is some pretzel logic.

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I think you mean causation, not correlation. You are using the word correlation, but treating it like causation - one is any kind of link (correlation), the other is a direct cause and effect connection (causation). Words have meanings, it helps if you use the correct one.


I used correlation because I meant correlation. English might be my second language, but the day my English gets corrected by an American...:dumb::dumb:



anything you can do to increase your chances of success you should do


There you go, we agree.

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I used correlation because I meant correlation. English might be my second language, but the day my English gets corrected by an American...:dumb::dumb:


Ok, if you meant correlation then it is clear that your implied sarcastic statement is not conveying the message you mean to convey. Also the context of your statement still suggests you should use the word causation and don't understand the meaning of the words. I agree they are correlated, but assuming that I am saying there is no link when I am saying that there is no guarantee is a clear indication you meant to use the word causation and are just confused about their meanings.


This isn't correcting your grammar, there are these things called dictionaries and it's pretty cut and dry. If you are confused you should use one and it will clear it up.


It's also not hard to see you have also fallen into the questionable cause logically facially that correlation proves causation. You think that A causes B therefore B is caused by A which is not always true. Hard work (A) can cause success (B) is a true statement, but Success (B) is the product of hard work (A) is not a true statement. Why? because the first statement does not assume an exclusivity through the use of "Can", where as the second statement does through the use of "is the". I'd make some crack about you not getting it because ESL but honestly, there are many Americans that don't understand this either, and it feels like most of them are republicans.


There you go, we agree.

Agree that if you desire success working hard increases the chances (but does not guarantee success)? yes.


Agree that success is exclusively guaranteed by hard work and that lack of success is an indicator someone isn't working hard? no we do not.

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Next time I won't use such a confusing word as correlation. I'll just use "link", FFS.


Unfortunately, I can't get sucked down the Geeto vortex today as much as I'd like to.


Vortex: a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.

Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

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Curious how that goes down.


These types of lawsuits against the parents post school shootings are common. How it usually goes down is the parents settle and the plaintiffs go after the school board or some other group. Parents usually don’t have enough money and judgements against them can usually cause them to file bankruptcy instead of getting them to actually pay damages.


Before someone jumps in and make a comment about how it is all about money and victims profiting, remember there are costs associated with healthcare and death and someone needs to pay those costs. If your kid is murdered don’t you think those responsible for his/her murder should pay for the funeral?

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Before someone jumps in and make a comment about how it is all about money and victims profiting, remember there are costs associated with healthcare and death and someone needs to pay those costs. If your kid is murdered don’t you think those responsible for his/her murder should pay for the funeral?


from comments made earlier I'm lead to believe it makes you a bad parent if you can't afford it and shouldn't have had kids in the first place.

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