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Online Doctors


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I see my insurance company has a basic online/telemed they recommend for stuff. Googling I found other online/app based doctors, but so far I haven't found any that do more than dermatology, colds, etc.


Being self employed its extremely expensive for me to stop working and go deal with a doctor visit. I'm hoping there's a solution for general doctor visit stuff like ordering blood work, etc and reading results and giving advice.

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At my company, we have an online service we can use for significantly cheaper healthcare, called TelaDoc. I've used it, and it has a bit of a reputation as a "pill mill"...I called for a sore throat and almost instantly they suggested a pill.


Was relatively easy, may want to give it a try if you don't have any other options. I think my co-pay was $5 but it's subsidized by my work.

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Thank god i do shit every idiot can’t look up how to do online. That is all. I could go on for days, but this country, as a whole, puts zero value on their own health. It’s largely a generational thing. That’s why I love baby boomers so much. They are incredibly thankful for medical services rendered and improvement in quality of life. Younger generation—not So much. Every person I see under 40 has an excuse and places the blame elsewhere. They come in to the office with a $1000 iPhone and bitch about a $50 insurance copay.



My advice, if you’re sincere about your desire to be healthy—find a clinic that has evening hours—they are all over. Plenty of us offer evening hours once a week to capture patients just like you. Hard workers who can’t stop to see a doctor 9-5. Get someone to physically examine you. You will get an idiot working online, trust me. You think they let the best doctors sit in front of a computer, or the weirdos who suck at interacting with people?

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Thank god i do shit every idiot can’t look up how to do online. That is all. I could go on for days, but this country, as a whole, puts zero value on their own health. It’s largely a generational thing. That’s why I love baby boomers so much. They are incredibly thankful for medical services rendered and improvement in quality of life. Younger generation—not So much. Every person I see under 40 has an excuse and places the blame elsewhere. They come in to the office with a $1000 iPhone and bitch about a $50 insurance copay.



My advice, if you’re sincere about your desire to be healthy—find a clinic that has evening hours—they are all over. Plenty of us offer evening hours once a week to capture patients just like you. Hard workers who can’t stop to see a doctor 9-5. Get someone to physically examine you. You will get an idiot working online, trust me. You think they let the best doctors sit in front of a computer, or the weirdos who suck at interacting with people?


Thank you for stating from what I see at work of people under 40 who take health a priority vs those who don't and their ability to effectively utilize their down time at work to ensure they don't encounter any short term stressful issues.

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I'll use the services of doctors like that for easy stuff, such as when I know what I need but just need a doctor to confirm so I can get a prescription, but if I need a physical doctor i won't hesitate to go in person where I can get quality care. For instance, I am having GERD issues and I'm being taken care of by the specialists at the University of Chicago. Fantastic place. But very expensive.
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I understand where you coming from and I started going to a real doctor. He ended up being such a quack and very likely caused me some damage that I should probably look into how to get a malpractice claim going.


In my market there are no after hours doctors and almost all doctors are full for months treating retirees. The medical industry is improving here, but I need help now.

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My only input is DO NOT use ortho nureo for any orthopedic procedure.

The screwed up my hand then hid it when I went to sue.

Then while at a party I heard a nurse talking about a quack doctor and asked who they were talking about and what group were they with..it wasn't my doc but it was the ortho nureo group. I then began telling them about my issue and who worked on me. I saw her look at her husband , who also is in the medical field and they gave that look like "oh yeah he's a bad doc".

I warn everyone off that butcher shop.

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The docs nurse kinda does the eye roll thing when he's telling me stuff. From digging into them they're are some cases of him messing up lab work and looking at the wrong patient. I got prescribed a medication which caused some crazy side effects which caused me to get injured and now I'm almost unable to walk. He then looked at my new lab work on a follow up and told me I didn't need to be on any meds totally forgetting that he had previously put me on them. Dude yells at his nurses and patients when they correct him. I keep working because I'm 40 and have a family. Luckily I'm self employed so I can work less and do ok.


So yeah, I didn't need an idiot working on me and don't have time to waste.

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