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Blue Wave/Red Wave?


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If we say Trump is in bed with the Russians and the Russians influenced the presidential election, then how do you stop that without ensuring each person is a valid, breathing citizen who votes?


Wait, do people really think that the collusion investigation is looking into actual votes by Russians? Is that why people go along with the "witch hunt" BS?

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Voter fraus is rampant in the USA. Broward county is a prime example of fraud


Oh you mean that county where no voter fraud was found to exist after the REPUBLICAN governor had the elections board check and re-check and had state law enforcement independently investigate and they drew that same conclusion?




I'm sorry to say, that the numbers just don't bear out that "voter fraud" is rampant.


I will tell you what is rampant - people claiming voter fraud or exaggerating voter fraud where there is non or very little - often to use later as support for voter suppression, or in this very specific case for a candidate to use as propaganda to energize their base in the event of a run off.

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