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Mansfield to Westerville Tomorrow


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Did you ride with Rush? My boy Drew Donnelson(babbfan18) on here was supposed to make that trip down here too if he didnt....

Just wondering if thats who you ride with. If it is, Im gonna be honest with you, please make sure Drew takes it easy man, hes real new still and the last thing he needs is to push it outside the limits.

THanks boss.

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LOL, I have only had my bike since march. I need to push it a little to find its limits. That's how you learn and become 1 with the bike :)

How is that for some BS LOL seriously though. I have done that with every vehicle i own. I push it hard until i feel where its limits are. I think its safer to know what a vehicle can actually handle. Just my opinion.

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LOL, I have only had my bike since march. I need to push it a little to find its limits. That's how you learn and become 1 with the bike :)

How is that for some BS LOL seriously though. I have done that with every vehicle i own. I push it hard until i feel where its limits are. I think its safer to know what a vehicle can actually handle. Just my opinion.

Uhhmm you have it backwards with bikes my friend. That bike can handle a helluva lot more then you can give it so just take it slow and learn as much as possible. You try pushing it too soon and you are gonna end up hurt. There are allot of reactions that you have to teach your brain to ignore/overcome when it comes to bikes. Example, cars into a corner too fast, you hit the brakes and slow down. You do that with a bike and you can kiss your ass good bye. Learn to look through the corners and if you see something that catches your eye, you need to look away from it immediately or else you will hit it. Bikes like to be on the throttle when going through a corner. Youre rear brake hates you. There is gravel everywhere. Etc. etc. You should look into getting a copy of Twist of the Wrist and reading it and practicing what it says as it will help you more then you can belive.

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dude, seriously, im new to street but could outride a lot of people on my first day. Ive been on bikes since i was six. so chill with the preaching. I race mx and flattrack and have been through it all. maybe you should look into the book "don't judge people before you know them". Im not saying i am the greatest rider because i am not springer...nor pegram. but i can handle the physics of a bike. good job hijacking this one!

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dude, seriously, im new to street but could outride a lot of people on my first day. Ive been on bikes since i was six. so chill with the preaching. I race mx and flattrack and have been through it all. maybe you should look into the book "don't judge people before you know them". Im not saying i am the greatest rider because i am not springer...nor pegram. but i can handle the physics of a bike. good job hijacking this one!

You didnt give any indication of your riding ability so you may want to direct the chill pill back at yourself. All you said was you wanted to push the limits of your bike and I gave some friendly advice.. At no point did I call you a squid or say your a dumbass or anything I would usually say to someone I thought was being a dumb ass. Re-read what I posted and you will realize that everything I said is was nothing more then things to consider doing with your bike and friendly advice to keep someone safe. ..

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Going with Flounder on this one. Each new bike is a new experience. This is from the rest of us that have made those mistakes already. And the biggest mistake is not taking it slow on the learning curve with each new bike. And that goes for borrowed bikes also. They tend to teach you lessons you don't want to learn.

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LOL, I have only had my bike since march. I need to push it a little to find its limits. That's how you learn and become 1 with the bike :)

How is that for some BS LOL seriously though. I have done that with every vehicle i own. I push it hard until i feel where its limits are. I think its safer to know what a vehicle can actually handle. Just my opinion.

i hope your fuckin joking..or have some real real big balls :eek:

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