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I don't think that part of Texas is suffering from the California invasion so you should be good there. Just stay away from places like Austin and such that have had an influx of those types, they are making it difficult to enjoy Texas.


ya, my sister said that a lot of Liberals have moved down there and taken over the government.


One of my Air Force friends lives in Austin and he says the California invasion is real and he hates it. Same thing going on in Phoenix. As long as our shitty winter keeps those nutbags away from Columbus, I'm staying here... :lol:


This is literally the most laughably out of touch thing I have ever read on CR. It's like retarded version of nationalism except it's against other Americans.


My wife is from Austin, as in grew up there, went to high school and college there, and let me tell you - Austin has ALWAYS been the most liberal part of Texas (well since the 1950's at least). It's literally been called "the people's republic of Austin" by conservative nutjobs since the 1970's. If anything the place has gotten slightly more conservative since the 2003 and 2008 republican attempts at gerrymandering that created a republican voting majority in the suburbs outside.


Seeing a bunch of ohioans bitch and moan about Austin, Tx becoming "liberal" because of "californians" is like watching a bunch of boomers complain that water is too wet.



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My wife and I were weighing Texas as a place to move at some point. Heck, we still are. She has family down there, and I had never been so we visited for me to get a feel. My main observation aside from the heat was the horrible condition of the roads. Like actually scary. The George Bush turnpike or whatever it’s called was a mess of basically concrete mini ramps and it’s pretty common to catch air for a second at freeway speeds. I was actually pretty terrified driving places.
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This is literally the most laughably out of touch thing I have ever read on CR. It's like retarded version of nationalism except it's against other Americans.


My wife is from Austin, as in grew up there, went to high school and college there, and let me tell you - Austin has ALWAYS been the most liberal part of Texas (well since the 1950's at least). It's literally been called "the people's republic of Austin" by conservative nutjobs since the 1970's. If anything the place has gotten slightly more conservative since the 2003 and 2008 republican attempts at gerrymandering that created a republican voting majority in the suburbs outside.


Seeing a bunch of ohioans bitch and moan about Austin, Tx becoming "liberal" because of "californians" is like watching a bunch of boomers complain that water is too wet.



it's laughable at how you don't read everything and act like we're out of touch... last time I checked Austin and San Antonio are not the same which is what I was talking about and if you read I EVEN SAID that my sister lives in San Antonio... and just because you grew up somewhere doesn't mean it doesn't change boss. Hell, last time I was in Gahanna, I didn't even recognize the place and I grew up there. FYI, San Antonio mayor is registered independent and openly says that he leans more "progressive" But since you brought up Austin... their Mayor..... DEMOCRAT. Don't believe me, google Steve Adler.

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My wife and I were weighing Texas as a place to move at some point. Heck, we still are. She has family down there, and I had never been so we visited for me to get a feel. My main observation aside from the heat was the horrible condition of the roads. Like actually scary. The George Bush turnpike or whatever it’s called was a mess of basically concrete mini ramps and it’s pretty common to catch air for a second at freeway speeds. I was actually pretty terrified driving places.


Yeah, the roads here suck.

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and just because you grew up somewhere doesn't mean it doesn't change boss. Hell, last time I was in Gahanna, I didn't even recognize the place and I grew up there.


and just because you grew up somewhere doesn't mean it doesn't change boss. Hell, last time I was in Gahanna, I didn't even recognize the place and I grew up there.


To summarize


You: "all these lefty pinko californians are coming in and changing and ruining Austin and San Antonio"


me: " Actually Austin has always been progressive and is actually starting to lean conservative"


You: "oh well, change is inevitable"





Hate to break this to you, but San Antonio is also pretty progressive. Maybe not to the same extent as Austin, but certainly on par with El Paso and more so than Dallas and Houston. it was fairly progressive from the late 1950's until the Republicans gerrymandered the district in the 90's, and after the supreme court broke up their district in 2005, progressive candidates picked up 2 seats. It doesn't mean the makeup of the city changed - just how they counted the votes.


And it's not like she left there as soon as she could. We both have family and close friends and are in Austin often enough. yeah it's changed but businesses changing and neighborhood renovation aren't the same thing as political change.


so yeah...people bitching about the "California" invasion is silly. It's not based in anything but a sort of state based political driven xenophobia, and at worst it fuels a further divide in the country. Californians are not "fleeing" the state, and the ones that do move are mostly driven by the oldest form of capitalism - when something is in high demand, those that can't afford it leave the market.

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To summarize


You: "all these lefty pinko californians are coming in and changing and ruining Austin and San Antonio"


me: " Actually Austin has always been progressive and is actually starting to lean conservative"


You: "oh well, change is inevitable"





Hate to break this to you, but San Antonio is also pretty progressive. Maybe not to the same extent as Austin, but certainly on par with El Paso and more so than Dallas and Houston. it was fairly progressive from the late 1950's until the Republicans gerrymandered the district in the 90's, and after the supreme court broke up their district in 2005, progressive candidates picked up 2 seats. It doesn't mean the makeup of the city changed - just how they counted the votes.


And it's not like she left there as soon as she could. We both have family and close friends and are in Austin often enough. yeah it's changed but businesses changing and neighborhood renovation aren't the same thing as political change.


so yeah...people bitching about the "California" invasion is silly. It's not based in anything but a sort of state based political driven xenophobia, and at worst it fuels a further divide in the country. Californians are not "fleeing" the state, and the ones that do move are mostly driven by the oldest form of capitalism - when something is in high demand, those that can't afford it leave the market.

I wonder if you even read things or just spew nonsense...


again to recap in small words and short sentences for you... I never once said that California was invading Texas or that "change" is inevitable... what I did say and proved you wrong on was that they are now much more left leaning than they were in the past.


I feel like I'm talking to my 9 year old that only reads or hears what she wants.


It also kills me when people call the left "progressive" because that insinuates that they are moving forward like going in a better direction when in A LOT of ways they are doing the exact opposite. (The definition of progressive is Moving forward; advancing. just so that you don't try to skew that as well)

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