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I had some libturd talk about the cops don't need to go to a call with a tank and an ar15 with them...what a dumbass statement


The cops don't need a tank and AR to combat a Glock and a donk malibu. I see times where an AR is leveling the playing field. It's extremely rare but happens. A tank though? Nah.


What I would say to that is we all gotta go sometime, do you know how many people the flu kills every year?


:lolguy: Credibility, lost.


...as someone who's been pulled over like 30+ times in my life, I'd be OK with a big reduction in the number of traffic stops in general.


Slow down. Stop breaking the law/s. You want less cops because they enforce the law that you choose to break. Makes cents. Well, makes them dollars. Some of them yours apparently. :lol:


It seems the biggest reason you want to defund the police is so that you can do what you want. Sownds lojikal.


For the record I also think reform is needed. I'm not sure what or at what level but I've never once thought, "we need to defund the police because they keep bothering me about laws I willingly break." Just...lol.

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wait. if people obey the law police leave them alone. get outta here with that non-sense. it's always someone elses fault.
Hard not to feel this way. I don't consider myself racist. Do I have some subconscious, socially engrained prejudices, and belief that shitty people are just shitty people regardless of race or nationality, probably.

Criminals still have rights, especially until proven guilty...... But, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just once I would like to see this kind of uproar/change over an upstanding citizen being harassed/killed by the police. It sure seems like it would be harder to argue, and more easily gain support.

I'm fully aware that it's not that simple, and change needs to happen, but I just can't come up with a logical solution to change a bunch of people on BOTH sides.


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I oddly enough fully agree there should be type of reforms and a profit based traffic ticketing system is not the answer. Unfortunately when you look at the percentages of deaths by african americans vs various groups, death at the hands of police is not statistically the problem.
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I oddly enough fully agree there should be type of reforms and a profit based traffic ticketing system is not the answer. Unfortunately when you look at the percentages of deaths by african americans vs various groups, death at the hands of police is not statistically the problem.
Enter: South side Chicago.




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What law did Breonna Taylor break?
He probably shouldn't have fired at police, if that's what happened, but I feel that the entire movement would be better served with her as their poster child rather than Floyd.


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For the record I also think reform is needed. I'm not sure what or at what level but I've never once thought, "we need to defund the police because they keep bothering me about laws I willingly break." Just...lol.


You agree with me then. I can afford to fund the police through speeding fines, but setting artificially low speed limits in order to generate revenue doesn't serve the people. It's a fucked system, and the fact that I've personally paid into it doesn't change the fact that I'm right.


As a libertarian it bothers me that armed agents of the state are so pervasive. It's a setup ripe for abuse and its woefully inefficient. Just look at all the shit cops do on a regular basis -- directing traffic, helping people change tires, performing wellness checks, writing tickets, taking reports about shoplifting and petty theft -- and then ask yourself if it's "small government" to spend the kind of money we spend on a cop to do those tasks. It makes no sense.


2A people are fond of pointing out that cops aren't legally obligated to protect you, which is why they want people to arm themselves. Well if the cops aren't there to protect me from violence (I agree btw, they aren't) then why do we want to arm and armor people doing mundane tasks? It's expensive and adversial.

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He probably shouldn't have fired at police, if that's what happened, but I feel that the entire movement would be better served with her as their poster child rather than Floyd.


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Speak up then. Nothing is stopping you from protesting in her honor. I'm assuming you're against the state busting into the wrong house and murdering innocent civilians. That shit should make all Americans pissed off.

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I agree with police reform in not having as much of a financially motivated system, but I will never agree with the narrative that police and other races are to blame for my family down south in the hood not being more successful.
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we do agree on some things and disagree on others which is completely ok. I will say that you did not say that to be fair, but focusing on death by police is a distraction from what is really killing african americans in higher numbers. it's a very difficult conversation to have.


another thing to keep in mind is that by feeding the protesting which has lead to property damage will only enoucrage more business' to leave struggling communities which means less jobs for minorities to help move forward.

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Speak up then. Nothing is stopping you from protesting in her honor. I'm assuming you're against the state busting into the wrong house and murdering innocent civilians. That shit should make all Americans pissed off.
You misunderstand, I don't believe any of it is worth the protests and riots. I don't think it's as wide spread as the narrative would have you believe.

There is a racial divide, but it goes way beyond police interaction and even race to socioeconomic. Unfortunately I don't have the answers for that, and struggle to come up with a logical plan to change it. Luckily there are people much smarter than me working on it, they just need to find a means to get this stuff to legislation.

All of these protesters will go back to there lives in a month and do nothing for their "cause", because merica.

So, Since you seem to support the "f*#@ the popo" cause I think there are a couple marches you can still get in on this weekend if you aren't busy.


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Just once I would like to see this kind of uproar/change over an upstanding citizen being harassed/killed by the police.k


...I think that's what's happening. That's also why Breonna's name is being brought up again in the midst of all of this. Also, what crime did George Floyd commit that warranted death without trial?


You agree with me then. I can afford to fund the police through speeding fines, but setting artificially low speed limits in order to generate revenue doesn't serve the people. It's a fucked system, and the fact that I've personally paid into it doesn't change the fact that I'm right.


No I don't, necessarily, and no you aren't, necessarily. I believe that you THINK you are though. Ironic that you didn't address the rest of my post. Maybe it's not "ironic". Maybe it's "telling". What the hell are "artificially low speed limits" anyway? :lol:


You're not Libertarian. You're YOU-etarian.

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...I think that's what's happening. That's also why Breonna's name is being brought up again in the midst of all of this. Also, what crime did George Floyd commit that warranted death without trial?








No I don't, necessarily, and no you aren't, necessarily. I believe that you THINK you are though. Ironic that you didn't address the rest of my post. Maybe it's not "ironic". Maybe it's "telling". What the hell are "artificially low speed limits" anyway? [emoji38]




You're not Libertarian. You're YOU-etarian.

I said earlier that it was unnecessary and that criminals still have rights especially until proven guilty. He may have been a great guy and cleaned himself up since his aggravated robbery with a weapon charges. It just seems that since this is such a common issue, there would be a face for the cause with less baggage.


As I type this, I realize that the video evidence of Floyd's death is obviously why it generated the support it did. Maybe others like Breonna will now be brought to the forefront instead.


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As I type this, I realize that the video evidence of Floyd's death is obviously why it generated the support it did. Maybe others like Breonna will now be brought to the forefront instead.


Yup. That's what I was getting at in response to your previous post.

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I think it's ridiculous people are protesting to have CPD removed from Columbus city schools. Some of the people supporting this have no idea what some of the schools in that district are like.


Also, did everyone forget school shootings were/are a big thing?


School shoots are so last media cycle you silly goose. Same thing with those poor kids in cages, world war 3, and Russia :)


Seriously doe, let them try this little reform model out. Those cats in the land of 1,000 lakes don't have a plan but by god, they're going to make this happen so it will be interesting.


Just stay strapped so you don't get clapped.

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greg think about it. one of your children or family has a crime commited against them. according to your logic, the perpetrator stopped for a traffic violation shouldnt be arrested or the police wouldnt be allowed to carry to help with arrest since its "traffic enforcement".


Ironically I do agree with you on other points you made.


I think the point of this is: what if one of your children or family is pulled over or stopped by the police. Perhaps for a petty crime or perhaps on suspicion of crime that your child or family never committed. Then they are killed by said police by use of force wasn’t warranted.


This scenario keeps happening over time. It occurs, there’s an uproar, then no change happens. That’s because it’s easiest for the masses who are not affected by this to just go back to daily life.


I think that people have had enough of there not being any change, so the uproar is louder and should be until a real change can occur.


I’m not sure what the solution should be, but history has shown it’s not just putting the officers on trial and moving on with our lives.

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I think a few things that can be done that will yield big improvements have already been discussed here.


1. The ROE for Police interacting with civilians should not be the same as Military engaging a hostile enemy. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and countless other examples.


Someone noted that "he shouldn't have shot at police" during a no knock raid. Well no knock raids shouldn't even be a thing. I can only speculate what I would do if my door was kicked in in the middle of the night.


2. Remove qualified immunity. There should not be two sets of laws. One for "the state" and one for us poor cattle. Everyone should play by the same sets of rules. If I make an error on my job I am responsible. If a doctor makes an error during an operation they are responsible. Police should be held accountable for their errors as well, especially when it involves life and death.

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I think a few things that can be done that will yield big improvements have already been discussed here.


1. The ROE for Police interacting with civilians should not be the same as Military engaging a hostile enemy. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and countless other examples.


Someone noted that "he shouldn't have shot at police" during a no knock raid. Well no knock raids shouldn't even be a thing. I can only speculate what I would do if my door was kicked in in the middle of the night.


2. Remove qualified immunity. There should not be two sets of laws. One for "the state" and one for us poor cattle. Everyone should play by the same sets of rules. If I make an error on my job I am responsible. If a doctor makes an error during an operation they are responsible. Police should be held accountable for their errors as well, especially when it involves life and death.


Holy Shit, Howard and I agree on something.


It's the end times I tell you - plauges, uprisings, what's next dogs and cats living together?

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Holy Shit, Howard and I agree on something.




It's the end times I tell you - plauges, uprisings, what's next dogs and cats living together?



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