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Electric Aggregation Program


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Looking at the Franklin country ballot measures on ballotpedia, there is one for an Electric Aggregation Program.



Franklin County


• Columbus, Ohio, Issue 1, Electric Service Aggregation Program Measure (November 2020):


A "yes" vote supports authorizing the city to establish an Electric Aggregation Program, which would allow the city to aggregate the retail electrical load of customers within the city's boundaries, and allowing customers to opt-out of the program.


A "no" vote opposes authorizing the city to establish an Electric Aggregation Program.


Can someone school me on this? Is there any reason why you wouldn't vote yes on it? I feel like I have a healthy distrust for government so I am curious why this measure wouldn't be a good idea.

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Sounds like the same idea behind NOPEC up here in Cleveland. Theoretically we get better pricing because "buy in bulk" but the units of measure between NOPEC, the state's "apples to apples" comparison site, and what's actually printed on my bills makes actually comparing stuff a mind-dizzying mess.
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