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How has your gas/utility heating bill been this winter?


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We moved into this house about 4 years ago, first purchase was new windows as the previous owneres (a flipping company) replaced the furnace with a brand new electric one. Our house is similar in size and our bills are insane. Also doesn't help that since bringing the baby home in january my wife wants to keep the house at 74degrees at all times for some reason.


When I had electric heat, with my older home, when it got let's say less than 15 degrees at night, I had a hell of time just keeping it at 63-64. The gas heat has been amazing at keeping it right where it needs to be. I also close a lot of the downstairs off, to help keep heat in certain areas. There would have been no way in hell I could have kept my house at 74 when it was as cold as it was the last few weeks. Now I would not have a problem if I really wanted it that warm. :lol:


64 from 70 is a pretty aggressive turndown. There is a point at which the usage required to recover the full air volume of the house X degrees will offset the savings of turning it down that far. You've got to climb back up the hill, so to speak.


Just food for thought, but you could experiment with it to find out whether it matters.


I have had this same thought, like maybe do a two stage step in the morning? So from 64 to 67 and then an hour or two later, go from 67 to 70. My old setup with the electric heat, I kept it at 68. I think anything more than that was futile. Now I keep at 70 because first off, I can actually do that now, and secondly, the wife likes it better at that temp when she's home during the day and it's cold.

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1994 built house, approx 3100 sq ft. Saw a spike in December up to $160 but it was about $90 before that during the fall. Our house was the original model home for the neighborhood that the previous owner made substantial insulation improvements on. All the windows are double pane and heavily insulated and the "attic" crawl space and basement ceilings are heavily insulated.
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My rental is 1008 sqft built in early 70's. Windows are terrible. Insulation in the floor (crawl space) has all been removed. My electric bill (TV, Surround Sound, Ceiling Fan on 24/7, 50 gallon water heater, LED everything 2 people working 1st and 3rd shift, heat pump set to 70 and never use E-Heat) is only $142 per month on budget plan. It is $12 higher than last year and usage has been just slightly higher. Landlord told me I would need to switch to E-Heat when it got into the 30's or below. I have not switched it in the 6 winters I have been here and have had the lowest bills since he has owned the rental.
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My new (to us) house is a 1250 sq/ft ranch with full basement (mostly finished) and is all electric (no gas available). Built in the early 70's but has had extensive remodel work done over the years. We keep the house at 70 from 6a to Midnight and drop it to 68 for those 6 hours we are all asleep. Heat pump works great and we have no issues keeping the house at the temp we want. The nest thermostat does whatever magic it does and we stay warm no matter the outside temp. We have lived here for 15 months and the Feb electric bill is the highest we have seen at $303. In the spring and fall, we have seen the bill as low as $100 for a month and we do not skimp on using electricity in the house or in the shop. Since the only bills we have are electric, cable, and trash, we are very happy with the cost to heat this place.
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