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SV pics in Cleveland


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Well I rode around some today and took some pics I have been wanting. I will need to get some night shots still but that can wait till summer or at least till it is warmer.

Well here they are.

By the Q




On Superior rd.


Cleveland Firefighters Memorial


Browns Stadium


Firefighters Memorial and Science Center


The Rock Hall


Burke Lakefront Airport


Burke Lakefront Airport


Burke Lakefront Airport


Burke Lakefront Airport




FREE Stamp


Bridge on MLK. Blvd.


Wildwood Park



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Fine looking pics. I like the naked SV's in urban settings like that. It's like they belong in an urban commuting environment. It's also nice you didn't have any other people screwing up the flow of the images, much cleaner w/o the yeahoos in any of the backgrounds in the cityscape.

Who'd you get to snap the one at Burke with you next to the bike? You have a passenger for the day?

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Fine looking pics. I like the naked SV's in urban settings like that. It's like they belong in an urban commuting environment. It's also nice you didn't have any other people screwing up the flow of the images, much cleaner w/o the yeahoos in any of the backgrounds in the cityscape.

Who'd you get to snap the one at Burke with you next to the bike? You have a passenger for the day?


There were some stone signs I set the camera on. I have 2 small tripods on my bike but didn't use them today. I also figured Tuesday would be a good day because not many people out. It worked out great. I did have some people offer to take my picture with the bike but I declined. They all seemed alright (joggers and the like)

awesome..did a little city traveling i see..passed through the mlk bridge many times on my way to work at the art museum..the pic on superior is awesome imo

Thanks!There were a lot of Cops because of the Tribe game. It was fun the cops just looked at me like "WTF does this guy think he's doing!"

I'm taking pictures and don't give a shit what you say about it.

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It's hard to do this kind of thing for a couple reasons.

1. I don't like riding in the city, to boring.

2. Everywhere you look the can be a good picture.

3. If you pick the wrong day or time it can be more trouble than it's worth.

But I only had a couple hours to kill and wanted to get some of these shots.

Thanks for all the good comments.

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