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I'm poor!


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I want to take a summer class this summer quarter at WSU, but its some $1100 to take! My finaid covers the 3 quarter school year fine, but if I request finaid for the summer quarter they don't give you any more monies. They just spread the 3 quarter amount over 4 quarters, so it'd make it hard for me (financially) next year. So much for trying to be an overachiever...


Paypal all of your disposable income to me! please?


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You know what? People think that once out of school they never have to go back. I had to, there was too much stuff in engineering that had changed. Like computers, for one. So don't plan on never taking classes again. It will happen. And of course, it's even worse now. It's said that any technology will completely change in just two years. That's all it takes at the pace of discovery that is going on now.

Makes me want to become a farmer... they use computers now also, I'll feel right at home.

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