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Went down at Putnam yesterday


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Glad to see you are ok. Bikes can be fixed...

Did you do it entry, mid or exit? Obviously not exit as typically, highsides are common out of Dead Bear... You said curbing so, I am trying to figure out where in the turn it was...

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Glad to see you are ok. Bikes can be fixed...

Did you do it entry, mid or exit? Obviously not exit as typically, highsides are common out of Dead Bear... You said curbing so, I am trying to figure out where in the turn it was...

it was the exit... i fucked up my line. tried to keep it tight for some dumbass reason. i should have followed the line out to the rumble strips for the speed i was hauling but i kept it tight instead and ended up with an assrub on the pavement

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the way i see it: i was going to crash this year. thats a straight up fact. i've been riding, track and twisties with the junkies, for 2 1/2 years now. but i didnt actually get 'fast' until 3 weeks ago. at least to the point where i had a decent good advancement anyway.

but i got lucky and only lowsided. i'm certain i will highside in the future. thats what we all face as a possibility in this sport. i'm just happy my first crash didnt result in my ass at the hospital... i'm ready to rebuild and go back out!!!!

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How did you crash on exit w/o highsiding? You should be under load and accelerating out of there... What happened?

Get you ass to Mid-O so we can see what you are doing and we can help you get faster...

as soon as my tires went from the off-camber to the on camber section i was way too far inside scrubbing too much speed. i was draggin EVERYTHING. knee, foot elboe, ass! you name it! i was in the wrong effing line... it sucks cuz i had a shitload of speed thru there too. i was haulin ass before it happened.. i got too fast too soon. thats the bottom line. i should have held myself back some

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Sorry about the accident. Glad you are not too banged up and are such a good sport about it.

no shit!!! could have been way worse though i'm not the only girl that crashed this weekend at the track...

RIP to Russell's wife, that is the true definition of a freak accident. :(

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as soon as my tires went from the off-camber to the on camber section i was way too far inside scrubbing too much speed. i was draggin EVERYTHING. knee, foot elboe, ass! you name it! i was in the wrong effing line... it sucks cuz i had a shitload of speed thru there too. i was haulin ass before it happened.. i got too fast too soon. thats the bottom line. i should have held myself back some

In Dead Bear, you must have either let off the throttle a bit or trailed too much brake. That is what loads the front to tuck it... At that point you describe, you should be on the gas which loads the rear. Coming out of Dead Bear if something wrong happens, it is you go off track a bit where that cross over section is and can hit the grass and have issues or riders will accelerate and lose the rear and kick it out...

Going in, you can easily trail too much as the turn allows you to, but it can also bite you fairly easy. Some people will modulate throttle there mid corner and allow the bike to come back into line of sorts, but usually, it is alright and can be done w/o too much issue.

I suspect you let off the throttle and loaded the front and thus, the low side... That's what Putnam is about - corner speed. It isn't a technical track, but really a corner speed track and can really catch you off guard if you do something wrong...

Love the place. Will be going back late this year for sure...

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In Dead Bear, you must have either let off the throttle a bit or trailed too much brake. That is what loads the front to tuck it... At that point you describe, you should be on the gas which loads the rear. Coming out of Dead Bear if something wrong happens, it is you go off track a bit where that cross over section is and can hit the grass and have issues or riders will accelerate and lose the rear and kick it out...

Going in, you can easily trail too much as the turn allows you to, but it can also bite you fairly easy. Some people will modulate throttle there mid corner and allow the bike to come back into line of sorts, but usually, it is alright and can be done w/o too much issue.

I suspect you let off the throttle and loaded the front and thus, the low side... That's what Putnam is about - corner speed. It isn't a technical track, but really a corner speed track and can really catch you off guard if you do something wrong...

Love the place. Will be going back late this year for sure...

you're probably right.... someting about that turn felt wrong beforehand but i wasnt quite sure what i was doing wrong.... i didn;t like everything draggin at all. i need to go back. at the end of the year, after some mid o and a few other choice track experiences under my belt :D

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you're probably right.... someting about that turn felt wrong beforehand but i wasnt quite sure what i was doing wrong.... i didn;t like everything draggin at all. i need to go back. at the end of the year, after some mid o and a few other choice track experiences under my belt :D

That's the beauty of Mid-O as it offers a lot of off camber in a few places, some really unique corner speed turns that can hurt or help you and an assortment of challenges that you can take with you to use elsewhere...

Wait until BG opens. There's enough blind turns to set your hair on fire. It's gonna be sweet. It will also offer a lot of unique things that are combinations of other tracks... Putnam offers some really cool things. To the newbies, it is safe and easy for the most part. For the faster riders, it is a challenge as corner speed will hinder or help your lap times... Turns 1-2 and 9-10 are some of the best places to make up or los ground...

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glad your fine just like the nine hundred other people.

question, do boobies count as a protective device when skidding on other hard surface?

lol i know, it was definitely a crash weekend!!! mass people went down!

and no they don't count. they can be hurt too!!!

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