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Obama continues plan to dick over free market


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  jbot said:
to make this clear, i'm the spicy shrimp snack


to your saltine cracka


are you going to listen to some dirty foreign jap over a random supposed oriental guy you've never met from the internet? do you not know who i am? i'm that asian kid, bitch! (and just to make sure i don't offend you, i am kidding, asian is supposedly more "correct" though I don't give a shit, and no, i didn't mean it when i called you "bitch" and the japanese should not be referred to as "dirty foreign japs" they are a proud and strong race with a rich cultural history)


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  Isaac said:
The personal obligation to watch you own ass and not trust the other guy. If you believe you should dump your dollars into a company and not pay attention to what that company is doing with those dollars then you get what's coming to you. Schmuck' date=' plain and simple. [/quote']

You really didn't answer my question. What you are describing is a personal interest in the monies invested in the company, not a personal obligation. It's your money, you can do whatever you want to with it. You aren't obligated to do anything at all.

Your initial statement was:

There is a difference. As part owner, you don't have rights.. you have obligations. If you don't adhere to those obligations then your business will suffer for it.
By this statement, I have no rights as a shareholder, only obligations. What, exactly, am I obligated to do as a holder of common stock? If I do not carry out these "obligations", what part of the business suffers as a direct result of me holding said common stock?

Depends.. have you lost anything of substantial value? Your entire retirement, for example? If so.. then you are a schmuck. If not.. then you used the stock market for what it is.. a gambling tool. It is not a sure thing. If someone treats it as such I have no pity for them.

For what it's worth, I've lost about 17% of my total retirement fund. I was able to stop the bleeding by removing my money from the mutual funds that were sucking me dry. These same markets have behaved like they always have, cyclical. I agree with you on anyone who thinks this could have gone nowhere but up is a complete schmuck. However, the long-term alternative is much worse. More on that later.
I don't keep my dollars in the company's 401k because I don't like how they run it. I keep my dollars with me.. where they are safe. It's bullshit that a company wastes the pensions of the workers. No argument from me on that but, one should always rely on his own self for a security blanket. No business is safe from bankruptcy..

I agree that a certain level of self-sufficiency is necessary in any financial planning. No one is going to look out for you but you. I can only assume that "keep my dollars with me" in the context of your previous posts means that you have them in a savings account or CD, since you would not invest them in the market. In that case, allow me to introduce to you the concept of inflation, and how that will come to absolutely decimate your retirement over the next 30 years. It (especially now) is almost impossible to find a savings/money market account that will beat the current inflationary rate of ~3.5%. Therefore, you are GUARANTEED to lose money on a straight cash savings over a long-term period. This is the entire reason why pension fund managers and retirement fund managers were set up, to leverage the market forces to get a better rate of return on the investments. However, now you're buying third-party stock, and now have all the company risk and none of the "rights".


If the government was a business it's product would be taxes in the form of service. The argument is valid. The government 'makes' money by producing 'services'.. same difference. Well, except the government is a 'for loss' company instead of 'for profit' company.

Huh? Product is taxes? You involuntarily pay for services that you may or may not receive. This pay scale is something that you largely have no control over. Since the government is also in control of the money supply, it can "make" money whenever it wants.
Edited by Cheech
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  4DAIVI PAI2K5 said:
haha nice little birdy on ur shoulder, but i agree

anyone ever consider the dems might have rigged it up so bush would win? cause if you think about it, the reason the dems dominated the last election is because bush got to keep being a moron for 4 years.

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  Isaac said:
What I'm poorly conveying is this.. You have the obligation to mind your own money. If you don't do this and your money goes 'bye-bye' you have the obligation to STFU and live under a bridge.

Agreed. Personal responsibility trumps all.


No part of the business suffers. Only your investment will suffer. (or may suffer) The point was don't trust others with your money. That's all I'm saying.

I agree with not trusting others with your money' date=' and I wish I lived in a world where that was possible. However, this is in direct conflict with your earlier statement:


As part owner, you don't have rights.. you have obligations. If you don't adhere to those obligations then your business will suffer for it.

My investment is not the entire business, I'm sure you know that. Can you reconcile this?


I didn't say I don't invest. I only invest the dollars that I can reasonably come to terms with losing. (that isn't much, btw) I said anybody that invests 100% in the market is a fool and has no 'right' to bitch and moan when they belly-up.

Anyone who invests 100% in the market without shoring up their position elsewhere is (probably) either a day trader or a speculator. In either case, they need to be shot into the sun.


The government still produces the taxes. It's their product.. like any other business. You are correct, though. I can't choose to not buy it. That's another topic for another day.

I still have to bite, though. How can taxes (me being forced to give the government money under penalty of jail) be construed as a product? Govt doesn't produce the taxes, I do. Govt produces the IRS worker to arrest my ass if I stop paying them.

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  • 2 months later...

Report: US makes $4 billion from bailout banks



WASHINGTON – The U.S. government has hauled in about $4 billion in profits from large banks that have repaid their obligations from last year's federal bailout, The New York Times reported Sunday.

Last September, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson pressed congressional leaders for legislation authorizing a $700 billion financial bailout of some of the nation's largest financial institutions, which were in danger of collapsing. The bill was signed into law in October.

Critics of the bailout were concerned that the Treasury Department would never see a return on its investment. But the government has already claimed profits from eight of the biggest banks.

The Times cited government profits of $1.4 billion from Goldman Sachs, $1.3 billion from Morgan Stanley and $414 million from American Express. It also listed five other banks — Northern Trust, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street, U.S. Bancorp and BB&T — that each returned profits between $100 million and $334 million.

The government has also collected about $35 million in profits from 14 smaller banks, the Times reported.

Federal investments in some other banks, including Citigroup and Bank of America, are still in question, and the government could still lose much of the money it spent to bail out insurance company American International Group, mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and automakers General Motors and Chrysler.

Socialism? More like ULTRA CAPITALISM. The money and profits are so good, even the gov't is getting a piece. $4B in profits. :cool:

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  JRMMiii said:
Report: US makes $4 billion from bailout banks


Socialism? More like ULTRA CAPITALISM. The money and profits are so good, even the gov't is getting a piece. $4B in profits. :cool:

Wait....ummm...we "spent" $780 BILLION and got $784 BILLION back?

No...wait....we got "about" $4 billion back.

You're still $780 Billion short.

Sorry...not a profit.

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  Todd#43 said:
You're still $780 Billion short.

Sorry...not a profit.

You fail at reading the first sentence of the article. Want to try again? You can do it, I know you can. C'mon, sound it out.

about $4 billion in profits from large banks that have repaid their obligations from last year's federal bailout,
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  JRMMiii said:

Did you even read the article? It gives shareholders and executive board members MORE say on executive pay. This is definitely a good thing, not only from that standpoint, but to force these short term sighted CEOs to focus on long term health of the organization.

This is key, especially because executive compensation packages were a contributing factor for the economy now. So, why are the asinine thread title?

I might be wrong but didn't the board have the final say in executive pay all along? Isn't the board elected by the shareholders?

compensation packages were a contributing factor for the economy now

Um, bad laws promoting fraud had nothing to do with it? Like the "Fair Housing Act" back in Clintons day which forced banks to write loans to people with poor credit futures...

I've never had a poor man sign my paycheck. Passing a law to limit incentive for business sounds like a bad idea.

Somehow I think your oversimplifying this issue into one of class envy without thinking it all the way through.

Just sayin'

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  JRMMiii said:
You fail at reading the first sentence of the article. Want to try again? You can do it, I know you can. C'mon, sound it out.

Show me where the $780 BILLION went, and then show me the amounts that each recipient has paid back, then add in all the administrative costs, as well as the cost of funds for that period of time and we'll talk about "profit".

Until then, it didnt happen.

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