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The Mars Volta - Octahedron


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Downloaded it last night, listening to it now. I'll try and have a short write up by the end of the day.

If you haven't heard of The Mars Volta I highly recommend them. It takes some time/effort to reveal all of the layers in one of their songs, but it's quite worth it.

Yeah, Twitter post, but I want to see who else likes this band.


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Deloused was my favorite for years while I was also listening to At The Drive in. Bedlam In Goliath is their most accessible since then, Frances The Mute and Amputechture are really tough to crack.

In my experience, if you get them and are prepared for some weirdness and a little gratuitous jamming then you won't be able to stop listening.

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Also check out "At the Drive In - Relationship of Command" while you're at it, old school goodness.

First day impression of Octahedron- Wow, mellow. My typical draw to the Volta is the ability for the all-out-spaz-attack-melt-your-face-off-hold-still-we-know-what-we're-doing jam session. This is not so much the case here, they've come unplugged. Yes, there's still plenty of rocking moments such as "Teflon" and it's catchy chorus or "Cotopaxi" holding it's fury for less than 4 minutes, probably because the drummer's arms would otherwise fall off. From the longview this album could maybe be best described as "heartfelt." Without the frenetic pace and significantly less effects, it comes across as more sincere. I miss the lack of tension and crescendo, but this is a nice change of pace. Now I wonder if this is the beginning of a trend or if The Mars Volta is just taking a calming deep breath, readying their next battle cry.

**** 4/5, it's not The Mars Volta as I know it but it is a welcome addition to the collection. I'm sure it will continue to grow on me as their other cd's have.

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at the drive in > the mars volta

Mars Volta> At The Drive In > Everything else

The more you listen the better it gets, I had Frances and Amputechture collecting dust on my shelf until I finally ripped them onto my iPod and REALLY listened to them. However, knowing that I will never see ATDI live makes me feel empty inside. :cry:

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