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Hey do we have any gamers on this site? I have a 360 and play mostly Halo, Rainbow Six Vegas and Gears of War (if I'm REALLY bored.) I'm waiting for Moto GP '07, Assassin's Creed, and Halo 3 to come out among others. Does anyone else game and, if so, what's your gamertag on LIVE?

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My family has Two X boxes, one ps 2, a game cube and a super nes along w the computer games. We used to host Halo 2 parties when we had a house in lancaster. Three boxes and three teams in separate rooms and It was awesome. Here in howard no one plays that we know so I just play halo 2

, D and D or racing games. Plus my big screen broke and I want to save for a projector so only have the 32 inch right now and it sucks...never been on Xbox live..

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I am not much of a gamer, but I currently have 3 Xboxes and approximately 40 PS2's... Of course, I also do repairs and customization so most are broken and/or donor machines... That reminds me, I gotta get eBaying one of these days...

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i gave up on consoles after i bought my xbox and halo 2. used to play a lot of that, having pretty good size halo parties and such, but then the xbox live acame in and nobody wanted to play anymore, and i dont like the idea of paying monthly for games as my habits change often. so now my last game purchase has been bf2 and if i have a hankering for gaming thats what i do. i got into MMORPGs for a bit like lineage2. never did the WoW thing. basically if i have someone to play with its a lot more fun, otherwise i get bored and go read a book or ride...

whew that was kinda long winded. any other people play bf2 or computer games in general?

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I play every now and again. I have a 360 and a PS3, but wouldn't considder myself a gamer. I tool around playing sports games every now and again. I was pretty hyped about GTA 4, because I get hooked on the series.. but I'm kinda disapointed that it's being dumbed down because of the 360.

Like I said I play the games to kill time or procrastinate from what I should be doing.

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Yeah I guess it would help if I added mine as well...LP 13 and VampySpitfire. Yes, the first one is turbo-creative, I know. Excellent guys, hope to catch you online for some halo or what not. 420 and cleaner, I sent you a FR.

lol ok im gonna ok ya now...saw the request but didnt knowm who it was :) see ya online....beware I SUCK :(

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