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My house-mate just bought NCAA College Football 2008 yesterday... holy shit what an improvement over 2007's version... you start a career in high school, practice, play high school games, get recruited, pick where you want to go to school, then run the team from top to bottom, recruiting, red-shirting, scheduling, it is amazing.

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My house-mate just bought NCAA College Football 2008 yesterday... holy shit what an improvement over 2007's version... you start a career in high school, practice, play high school games, get recruited, pick where you want to go to school, then run the team from top to bottom, recruiting, red-shirting, scheduling, it is amazing.

wow...sounds familiar though....oh yeah. its life! unfortunately i decided games were better than football the first time around :( guess ill just have to buy another game to relive that part.

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They can't make a game based off potential players that are on the team, can they? That makes no sense. What if some random individual walked on the team and ended up be kickass?

Then he wouldn't be on the game. But there are always a pretty good idea of who is going to start plus the other players are still on the team so you can sub them in if they earn a starting position. It's obvious by looking at the rankings - last year OSU was #1, just like real life, this year they are down to #12. That's probably a pretty good guess of where they will be in the preseason polls once the season gets close. This is how they keep people excited to buy the newest edition because it has all the newest players etc. If it was last years old players that are already in the NFL, nobody would care at all, old news.

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I've got a PS3. I haven't gamed much lately...waiting on some good multiplayer (Warhawk, Killzone 2, etc). Resistance was cool, but I got bored. I have been thinking about picking up Rainbow Six, since I played it on the PC and it was tha shizznit.

My PS3 tag is the same as one here, InyaAzz.

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