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My dog got sprayed by a skunk last night and the smell is un-f***ing-believable. Unfortunately for me, I let him in the house without knowing he was sprayed (yeah...the beer bong was out last night). I still cant tell if my house has been ruined forever or my nose is just scarred for life. Any suggestions (besides for tomato juice) on removing the smell from my dog? I bought some crap from the pet store this morning...it did ok...but I can still smell it...or maybe my nose is ruined.

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I think some of the pet places (pets mart etc) wash the dog for you to get rid of the smell but you still need to get it there which means stinking out the car to.

I'll ask the wife (250bunny) she works with animals, she may know some good ideas.

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There's a product called "Skunk Off" which may be the product you've already used. It gets most of the smell away, but there's always that hint that sticks around.

You can also try this recipe to bathe your dog:

1 Quart 3percent Peroxide

1/4 Cup Baking Soda

1 teaspoon liquid soap

Mild soap like Ivory is best for dogs but in this case you may want to use something like Dawn with a degreaser to help get the stuff off. If you use the degreaser, the dog's skin might get dry so I'd wash again with a doggie shampoo in about a week.

Not sure what to tell you about the house. Maybe try Febreeze?

Good luck! If it doesn't work, just bring out the beer bong again and you might not care! :cheers:

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Thanks for the responses. The house is starting to smell less. As for my dog..."not so much". I'm dipping him Antrim lake tonight (hopefully the goose sh*t is a natural remedy)...then, I might try the "skunk removal" stuff I got from the pet store. Maybe I'll just burn my house down and shave my dog ;)

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