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A friend of mine died last night


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Don't give up riding, if at all possible. Sorry about your loss since I myself lost a friend many years ago due to a possible murder. We humans have a unique place in the cosmos due to the fact that we are aware of our own mortality, being highly evolved animals. No matter what, if you have the capacity to live life, do it. Never live in regret, especially on account of events beyond your control. Ride on...

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You need to get on your bike immediately. No need to go on a long ride but just around the corner or to the store. If you don't it may beat you up forever. You didn't make him go 120. You weren't even with him. Keep your head up and good luck.

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Anything you did.... was done out of friendship. The blame doesn't rest with you. It simply is what it is. Your peace of mind should come from knowing you were a friend to him, you had no ill-intent.

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Thank you for the the support. Still can't help the way I feel. I know you're right. It's just hard when I think about his wife and three children he left behind.

I don't mean to piss on you, when your down man...but this needs to be said. If he was in fact going 120....that was extremely irresponsible with 3 kids and a wife. Like we have said, not your fault at all this happened. Sometimes poor choices get the best of us. Rip to your friend.

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Sorry for your loss man.

I am with you though about deciding. I have twins on the way and I want to be here when they're born. I don't want to play russian rolette with my life and not be here to see them born or to raise them. I owe it to them to be a father to them. I don't want them to be fatherless and maybe even left to be raised by someone else who doesn't give a damn about them. I'm considering hanging up riding until they're 18 because of it. I don't want to be selfish and gamble my life from my children. I want to be there for them. Yes, everything is dangerous, but having a father there is very important for children and the wife, I don't want up to the ante on death by riding, so might have to cut riding out of the equation. My decision isn't from ME riding, it's from AUTOMOBILES coming towards me.

Sometimes we just have to follow are hearts. If you don't feel right riding anymore, then more power to you. There's always fast cars. :)

Anyway, hope time heals your wounds man. Sorry for your loss and may he RIP.

Edited by NinjaNick
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sorry to hear about your friend but you cant blame yourself for someone else's actions , there is a time and place for everything on a bike and it just may have not been the right time and place for him to be riding like that , but instead of packing it up for the summer you should ride and learn from his mistake , im sure he would be riding with you and wouldnt want you to give up !! be safe

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Can't read everything right now John, as I'm away from internet for the most part, but VERY sorry to hear about your friend!! :(

Having a wife & 4 kids.....I went through a lot of these same emotions when Jeff died 2 years ago. Still do everytime I turn the key & thumb the starter

Call me if you need anything......Even just to talk/vent


Edited by Fonzie
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I have buried a number of riding friends. Nothing anyone is gonna say is gonna make it easier.

Some were accidents

Some were stupidity

Some were testosterone

Some were only god knows.

Riding is a dangerous past time. If you don't want to attend any funerals a good start would be to not to have any motorcyclist as friends.

I understand your loss, and it will get easier as the days pass. Remember him as how you would like to be remembered. Shed the guilt as it does no good.

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I wish motorcycles had their own roads without cars, animals, and other obstacles. Riding both my street bike and 4 wheeler gives me a sense of freedom and a chance to forget about reality. Unfortunately the reality is we are taking a chance every time we get on our bikes. I feel your pain my friend. I am still torn up over Kenny who past away back in March.

To my friends and customers of OR. Please be careful out there!!!

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Sorry to hear that, hope it turns out to just be a false rumor.

As for the rest, everyone is responsible for their own actions. We all make our own choices and sometimes even the "responsible" ones get you hurt or killed. There are no guarantees in life and the best thing you can do is just live it sometimes. My point is, don't beat yourself up over what life throws you, especially if it isn't really in your control.

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Sorry to hear for your loss. Don't blame yourself. We all have encouraged a friend to ride at some point. I am sure your friend loved to ride and would not want you to blame yourself. My heart goes out to you and his family. Vicki

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