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some people have no shame


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It's pretty sad that we only know she is flipping off the camera man because of her arm position. You can't really see a finger in there because the rest of her hand is so freaking huge. :wtf:

Oh, and just so you know. Ohio is in the top 10 for fattest states...Indiana is not. ;)

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I freakin' hate fat, lazy people that use scooters to enable their sedentary lifestyle.

Don't get me wrong; if people have health issues or handicaps and use a scooter for mobility, I'm all for that.

What I hate are the gluttonous trailer trash that manage to walk into Wal-mart, get the scooter with the cart, and roll up and down the aisles because walking is too much effort.

Then they have the gall to ask me to grab something from the top shelf because that would mean exerting themselves beyond lifting potato chips to their fat hole.

Fucking pigs.

It easy to to see that they are in no way handicapped except for the blubber hanging around their neck. It always seems to me that the people with true handicaps give it their best to be mobile, and generally would have their own scooter, not borrow the grocery stores.

Medical obesity doesn't bother me, I know people struggle with it and it can be genetic. Being a little heavy doesn't bother me at all, not everyone can be thin, and I'm sure I'll start getting a little heavy soon if I follow my family history.

More power to the handicapped, I wish them the best, and I am always there to lend a hand if they need it and want it.

Overstuffed and slothful people need stuck and roasted like the pigs they are.

Sorry, off on a rant. :)

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How do you tell the difference between the medically/genetically obese person and the overstuffed slothful people shoving food in their fat holes when you're reaching up to grab the last bag of pork rinds for them?

You can tell most of the time, and if I can't, I give them the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, and if it's the last bag of pork rinds, I'm taking them myself. :)

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It's pretty sad that we only know she is flipping off the camera man because of her arm position. You can't really see a finger in there because the rest of her hand is so freaking huge. :wtf:

Oh, and just so you know. Ohio is in the top 10 for fattest states...Indiana is not. ;)

fo realz?? they used to be. still got alot of family and friends there, when that list came out a few years ago they upped the gym classes in schools again after them beining eliminated for a while.. gee whouda thunk recess and gym would help kids stay thin?? either that or the Wii

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