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Sky Diving...


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Who's coming with me!!!!....I am planning a sky diving trip in a few weeks. So far it is Rob(Asian), my friends Chris and Terri, and Myself. We just wanted to see if anyone wanted to go up with us. I think we can get a discounted rate for a larger group. If you are Military or a student with ID, and this is your first jump, it will be $175. The date, which is not yet set in stone will be Aug 18 or 19. Just thought I would invite some fellow riders to see if anyone wanted to fly with us!

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I actually went to this place back in Y2K with a group of Marines from my reserve unit. It's worth doing once, at least. One thing though... I assume you're probably going to do a tandem jump, so just be damn sure that they get the straps right through your... nether regions. I weigh ~215, the guy I tandemed with was probably ~200, and the chute jerked us so hard when it opened that if the straps hadn't been right, I would probably never have been able to have sex again. Even with them missing the jewelry, it was an extremely painful experience. The sensation of freefall made up for it though... They're a pretty professional group of people there, and they'll take good care of you, but unless they got a bigger plane since I was there, you may have to do several trips to get everybody through if you take a big group. Seven of us went, and since we were all tandem, they had to split us into two groups due to the fact that the plane couldn't take everybody.

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They have a bigger plane. Terri, who is going with us was the operations manager there for 2 years. She will take care of us and make sure we get good instructors... She is gonna try any way, she hasnt been back in about a year and is not sure if all the same people will be there

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My old roommate and I shared a first name... He was quite large so I immediately became Little Zach (I preferred Zach the Lesser)... ANYWAY...

He got into sky diving... He was too big to do a tandem jump (strapped to an instructor) , so he had to do static line jumps (rip cord attached to the plane, jump and the cord is immediately pulled)...

One weekend he came home... arm in a sling, bandages EVERYWHERE, and on crutches... "DUDE, WTF HAPPENED TO YOU?".... 'I hit a house.' WTF?

Apparently he jumped out of the plane and instead of pulling out the chute immediately, the rip cord broke. He tried to pull it, but it was fucked. He attempted to stay calm and keep his form proper to avoid getting into a spin, and went for his reserve. No dice. So here you have a 300lb+ guy plummeting towards the ground accellerating at 32ft/sec/sec. Not good.

FINALLY he got the reserve to work, but at about 1,500 feet... Not really enough to slow him down properly. He said as he was falling, he was moving too fast to steer correctly... then he noticed some power lines and a roof... It was one or the other... He chose the roof. In his own words, "everything under me was getting bigger... it was just that the roof and the power lines were getting bigger, MUCH FASTER than anything else."

Crash landing onto the roof he blew out his knee immediately and slid down one section, onto another section on his arms and face. He slid off the other section on his legs and ass, then into a flower bed. From there he rolled into the gravel driveway that was recessed about 4 feet lower than the flower bed... ultimately re-injuring an old college football earned, torn rotator cuff. Somewhere along the way he also sprained his ankle.

The people living in the house were an elderly couple. They thought someone had crashed their car into the house... that's how loud it was. They called 911 and came out to find my buddy wadded up in their driveway. After a few hours in the hospital getting scrubbed, wrapped, and x-rayed he was released.

You should have seen him... Ankle wrapped, knee in a soft cast, arm in a sling (and trying to negotiate crutches), face, arms, and legs wrapped in gauze. He was a fucking MESS... One lucky SOB, but a mess none the less.

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Did he ever jump again?

My old roommate and I shared a first name... He was quite large so I immediately became Little Zach (I preferred Zach the Lesser)... ANYWAY...

He got into sky diving... He was too big to do a tandem jump (strapped to an instructor) , so he had to do static line jumps (rip cord attached to the plane, jump and the cord is immediately pulled)...

One weekend he came home... arm in a sling, bandages EVERYWHERE, and on crutches... "DUDE, WTF HAPPENED TO YOU?".... 'I hit a house.' WTF?

Apparently he jumped out of the plane and instead of pulling out the chute immediately, the rip cord broke. He tried to pull it, but it was fucked. He attempted to stay calm and keep his form proper to avoid getting into a spin, and went for his reserve. No dice. So here you have a 300lb+ guy plummeting towards the ground accellerating at 32ft/sec/sec. Not good.

FINALLY he got the reserve to work, but at about 1,500 feet... Not really enough to slow him down properly. He said as he was falling, he was moving too fast to steer correctly... then he noticed some power lines and a roof... It was one or the other... He chose the roof. In his own words, "everything under me was getting bigger... it was just that the roof and the power lines were getting bigger, MUCH FASTER than anything else."

Crash landing onto the roof he blew out his knee immediately and slid down one section, onto another section on his arms and face. He slid off the other section on his legs and ass, then into a flower bed. From there he rolled into the gravel driveway that was recessed about 4 feet lower than the flower bed... ultimately re-injuring an old college football earned, torn rotator cuff. Somewhere along the way he also sprained his ankle.

The people living in the house were an elderly couple. They thought someone had crashed their car into the house... that's how loud it was. They called 911 and came out to find my buddy wadded up in their driveway. After a few hours in the hospital getting scrubbed, wrapped, and x-rayed he was released.

You should have seen him... Ankle wrapped, knee in a soft cast, arm in a sling (and trying to negotiate crutches), face, arms, and legs wrapped in gauze. He was a fucking MESS... One lucky SOB, but a mess none the less.

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