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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


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  mhallam85 said:
So I went thru the campaign and did not see one piece of intel. Is there a easy way to find this stuff?

some of it is obviously hidden, like a laptop was sitting next to one of the rooms i had to breech...i think...i dont remember exactly where i found it...since i've only ever found one...but again it was obvious

and on the note of the glitches, i really hate the bastards that run around with the javelins and the dual shotty's...they're so fucking annoying

"hey look at me i can't fucking shoot anyone worth shit so i'm gonna use something that blows everything around me or 10 feet in front of me to fucking smithereens...oh and did I mention I'm gay? Dad was so proud!"

douchefags...are what they are!

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  chachi1189 said:

and on the note of the glitches, i really hate the bastards that run around with the javelins and the dual shotty's...they're so fucking annoying

"hey look at me i can't fucking shoot anyone worth shit so i'm gonna use something that blows everything around me or 10 feet in front of me to fucking smithereens...oh and did I mention I'm gay? Dad was so proud!"

douchefags...are what they are!

hahah u and i are on the same thought process haha scary isnt it

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so i managed to find out some glitches in the game the hard way, hopefully they patch them soon..not so much as hiding spots, those dont bother me..its the rocket launchers.. if you have a throwing knife or semtex grenade hit the button to throw it but hold it then hit swap weapon button while still holding that throw button and pull out the rocket launcher let go of the throw button and run around knifing while carrying the javelin and when someone kills you youll blow them up.. ridiculous! especially while using danger close perk! i was playing the other night and the same dude kept doing this to me over and over and over and i got so pissed tryin to figure out how he was doing this, i looked it up online and sure enough..its a glitch

and dual shotties... i watched one dude get a game win kill on kill cam with dual shot gun and i was pissed when i seen how you dont even have to aim... this dude had his cross-hairs WAY far from where the dude was he shot at and killed him..i bitched a fit at him in the pregame lobby

then the bastards with extreme conditioning pro and light weight pro and commando pro and run around using tactical knife with a care package marker in hand holding the button in ready to throw it knifing everyone..jesus! they run so damn fast by doing all that! you dont know what hit you! that doesnt bug me, i love a good melee streak!

Edited by Drag2Death247
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  Drag2Death247 said:

then the bastards with extreme conditioning pro and light weight pro and commando pro and run around using tactical knife with a care package marker in hand holding the button in ready to throw it knifing everyone..jesus! they run so damn fast by doing all that! you dont know what hit you! that doesnt bug me, i love a good melee streak!

I've ran into alot recently, along with what everyone else is saying with dual shotties. All in all a good game, love they put in a roit shield...its very good if used taticfully.

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