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Wireless keyboard/mouse


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Wasn't sure where to put this so, it goes in here. Anywho I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a wireless keyboard and mouse. I'm about to move into a house, and my "office" will be above my living room so i was going to connect my tv to my pc. I want a wireless keyboard and mouse that will connect through the floor pretty much. Its not a big room, It wouldnt have to reach more than like 30' probably. If anyone has any Ideas/suggestions, inform me plz. Thanks

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We use a gyration keyboard and mouse in our board room at work and it will definitely do what you're looking for.

You probably already know this, but for the sake of saying it you want to make sure you get something that uses RF rather than infrared, since infrared is line of sight only.

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Get Bluetooth for the range. It is the only way to go, but it costs mo money for anything more than 10'. I use Logitech MX5500 in our conference rooms, and they work great. The software that is installed is a little clunky, but it does the trick.

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check out the phantom lapboard, the company has just released their keyboard. Its wireless, rotates 360 and angles for your lap. its pimp phantom.net it may be hard to get right away but you can order anytime. they just released the first 500 a couple of weeks ago.

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