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DangBruhY 1 - MattKatz 0


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WHY so serious???

And uhh... I had no idea you were white. I'm glad we had this little talk. :p

It's probably because I'm from New Orleans? DangBruhY was a band that I was in. The singer was best friends with the guys from Fishbone. It was that sort of music.

As far as being so serious, I took a few shots and that was the only decent one.

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I think I finally found someone whiter than I am.


It was the cellphone and it's lack of colors and did that to me. I have better ones (with more color) but just about every site is blocked at work. I got a little tan on Saturday. I was only in the car for about 2 hours all day.

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ANd you think this makes you a winner?

LOL....Your still a tool.

You just carry a Gun for work.

I hope you dont shoot yourself in the foot.

Why are you being such a douche? I don't care what's happened on other boards. This isn't other boards. I don't know either of you, but you're acting like a douche. Did he piss in your Cheerios? Steal your girlfriend? Key your car? Kick over your bike? Owe you chicken wings? If not, then what the fuck is your problem that you have to keep talking shit to him?

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Is this a one way road?

Did he not just CREATE a whole new thread?

I see....Its all me.

You called him out. Straight up, you called him out about being a cop. You said he was not a cop. He responded, and all you have is:

ANd you think this makes you a winner?

LOL....Your still a tool.

You just carry a Gun for work.

I hope you dont shoot yourself in the foot.

Actually, you should've been saying, "my bad, you really are a cop". Instead, YOU had to spew more shit.

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ANd you think this makes you a winner?

LOL....Your still a tool.

You just carry a Gun for work.

I hope you dont shoot yourself in the foot.

Nobody will ever be as cool as you, right?

I knew that even if I posted up a picture, you would still have something to say.

It's all good.

As far as the "don't shoot yourself in the foot" comment... I do lots of training with various firearms and I shoot all the time. I seem to always get marksman for some reason... I don't know why. I can post a picture of my qual target if you wish, since everything is "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!" for you. ;)

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Wait... wait. I know what the problem is here. And I know now to solve it once and for all:


Matt... Officer DangBruh... alright, whip 'em out, guys. Let's get this done so we can move on...

Glad you didn't include me in that, I'd lose.

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Dude....I will tell you this.

For a person of your Stature ( an officer of the Law) to creat a childish thread such as this to antogonize a response and to try to make yourself looks better speaks volumes to me and I hope many others as to your true character.

I am not better than anyone....but I dont take BS from anyone.

There are a few here that know I voice my opinion.

And even if you are an officer of the law....It doesnt make you any better than anyone either, and as a matter of fact, you should act more professional in EVERYTHING you do.

This was not one of your better judgement calls "Making" a thread to start trouble.

It goes back you your comment that started it all....You thought that since you are a cop, and were in uniform that you have the right to do what you did.

I agree the old man was wrong..but you CANNOT predict the actions of another.

And I love how you specifically used a sterotype to try ti justify your actions by saying if he "Looked" like a criminal, you would have approached differently.

So let me get this straight...you picked on an old man because you knew you could and you were angered by his actions?

How professional of you as an officer of the law.

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This too is completely childish...Once again trying to prove yourself.

Carry on....I am done with you.

Do you promise? No more BS from you? AWESOME!

You called me out and wouldn't stop. So I figured that since I had some downtime, I would play along. I created this thread and proved you wrong. You got mad and now you are trying to act like the bigger person. Come one now... We know what's really going on.

OH... No, I did NOT say that since I was a cop I would go after him. SINCE I was in uniform (first level of the use of force continuum is officers presence) he might act differently than some joe blow coming up to his car. I did not "pull him over", I just spoke with him. What I did is what ANY other person could have done. My only thing was that if he had a gun and was tired was going to pull it, he might have thought twice once he saw the uniform. My other comment was that I had a vest on. No, I'm not superman, but it provides more protection than someone who is not wearing one. The gun and ammo comment... *See target above*

If I was a TRUE dick, I would have called the PD as to where we were in jurisdiction and told him that I had someone try to kill a police officer with his vehicle. INSTEAD, I did what anyone else on here would have done... Gave him an earfull and left it at that.

I'm not above anyone. I treat everyone with respect. You don't like me, but I don't attack you like you do to me. Even though you piss me off at times, I will still respect you if I meet you again. I hold nothing against you having your own opinion.

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