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I used to have to drive my ex to/from work downtown. Every morning there was the same couple sitting at 71N/Broad St. exit. I occasionally would grab some extra canned food and sometimes fruit and soda etc. They always thanked me and were gracious.

On the other hand, had a guy ask for $ when I lived on campus (sign said work 4 food). I talked to him for a few and he said the usual. No home, no family etc. I said if he wanted, he was welcome to come to my place and do just as he advertised. Pull some weeds, mow lawn whatever. and I told him that I had clothes to fit him, a hot meal and some canned foods. In addition I had an old army canvas tent that was waterproofed and did not want/need anymore. Gave him address and he said sure. Never saw him again.

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Unfortunately I see it too often. I get tired of seeing the same people, trying different excuses. I understand some situations, where we have all needed some help. But, damn it!! Some people take advantage of kindness. Which is B.S.!!! This has caused people that actually need help to be denied! I feel bad for some, but get pissed at most! I give when I can, but only once per person. What really gets me is when they act pissed that we are not able to give anything. That is just plain crazy. But, that is the way they roll!!! LOL

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i love the one's that sit outside of the reds stadium and have signs that say "at least I'm honest, need money for booze" They usually end up with the most money, but none from this guy. Once had a homeless guy in philly come up and clean my windshield and make it MORE dirty, did give him a dollar to stop touching my car. He was clearly not faking it, he had seven kinds of aids and a bag of leprosy. Felt bad for him, at least he had a business model, just needed to invest in cleaner rags/water/spit?

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i love the one's that sit outside of the reds stadium and have signs that say "at least I'm honest, need money for booze" They usually end up with the most money, but none from this guy. Once had a homeless guy in philly come up and clean my windshield and make it MORE dirty, did give him a dollar to stop touching my car. He was clearly not faking it, he had seven kinds of aids and a bag of leprosy. Felt bad for him, at least he had a business model, just needed to invest in cleaner rags/water/spit?

Nice, honesty is the best policy. I missed this guy the two times I went to Cincy Reds games this year.

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Like Sam said, voting democrat is charity enough.

I don't give them anything except for food stamps, section 8 housing, cell phones and healthcare . Can't help someone who isn't willing to help themselves.

Todd#43 - I think he just edited his post, he didn't want you to have a stroke until Obama got you your healthcare

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I was hoping someone had a good experience with a bum

not all of them are bad!!!

"Moments" - Emerson Drive

I was coming to the end of a long long walk

When a man crawled out of a cardboard box

Under the E. Street Bridge

Followed me on to it

I went out halfway across

With that homeless shadow tagging along

So I dug for some change

Wouldn't need it anyway

He took it lookin' just a bit ashamed

He said, You know, I haven't always been this way

I've had my moments, days in the sun

Moments I was second to none

Moments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do

Like that plane ride coming home from the war

That summer my son was born

And memories like a coat so warm

A cold wind can't get through

Lookin' at me now you might not know it

But I've had my moments

I stood there tryin' to find my nerve

Wondering if a single soul on Earth

Would care at all

Miss me when I'm gone

That old man just kept hanging around

Lookin' at me, lookin' down

I think he recognized

That look in my eyes

Standing with him there I felt ashamed

I said, You know, I haven't always felt this way

I've had my moments, days in the sun

Moments I was second to none

Moments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do

Like the day I walked away from the wine

For a woman who became my wife

And a love that, when it was right,

Could always see me through

Lookin' at me now you might not know it

But I've had my moments

I know somewhere 'round a trashcan fire tonight

That old man tells his story one more time

He says

I've had my moments, days in the sun

Moments I was second to none

Moments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do

Like that cool night on the E. Street Bridge

When a young man almost ended it

I was right there, wasn't scared a bit

And I helped to pull him through

Lookin' at me now you might not know it

Oh, lookin' at me now you might not know it

But I've had my moments

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Todd#43 - I think he just edited his post, he didn't want you to have a stroke until Obama got you your healthcare

I'd just as soon have my stroke now, thank you, while I still have PRIVATE insurance. I'll soon be 46 and considering my family history I'm sure I'd be a candidate for end of life counseling from some Washington Death Watch Squad. I'm quite certain they'd give me the old "thumbs down" and let me be on my way.

It's a lot easier to give when the money isn't yours.

True dat.

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I'd just as soon have my stroke now, thank you, while I still have PRIVATE insurance. I'll soon be 46 and considering my family history I'm sure I'd be a candidate for end of life counseling from some Washington Death Watch Squad. I'm quite certain they'd give me the old "thumbs down" and let me be on my way.

True dat.

So should we call you Todd#46?

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there is no excuse for not working (even mentally disabled people work at supermarts as greeters and baggers)

EXACTLY! Sure they're not all glamorous jobs, but there are plenty of jobs out there. I get pissed when some lazy ass bum asks for what I have worked hard to earn. If they have a disability, they can still get a job. If they're a druggie, then that's their problem and I'm not paying to support their habit. I have zero sympathy for bums.

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I was hoping someone had a good experience with a bum

thanks everyone for you opinions. Tomorrow if he asks for money I am going to slam him like he is an 84 year old lady.

Not really I will just say no and go about my business

i dont know if my experience with a bum is a true experience with a "bum" but i will shoot anyway.

about 4 years ago in cincy when i was waiting for a building to open so we could do work inside a guy came up to me asking for $15. he explained that he needed the money in order to get some paperwork from the city building in order to get the job he aplied for at the wendys up the street. i had a few $20 bills in my wallet and gave him one. told him good luck! he thanked me and went on his way. i wanst sure if he was lieing or not but i really didnt care.

about a week and a half later i went into the wendys and saw the guy working. it was a pretty awesome sight. he gave me a smile and i did the same. i kow he carred the job for the next year or so, and he offered to give me the $20 back a couple of times but i never took it.

but thats abou the only good experience with a bum that i have had. i rarely, i mean rarely give money to beggars. mostly because of personal opinions about them, some of which have previosly been stated in this thread actually....

i just figured i would give my good experience.

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wrillo, ironically. you know the bass player for that band committed suicide a litle while after that song hit big? Have frends who follow E-drive and they talked alot about him.

I didn't know that... that makes the song hit a little harder* :(

*no homo

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i dont know if my experience with a bum is a true experience with a "bum" but i will shoot anyway.

about 4 years ago in cincy when i was waiting for a building to open so we could do work inside a guy came up to me asking for $15. he explained that he needed the money in order to get some paperwork from the city building in order to get the job he aplied for at the wendys up the street. i had a few $20 bills in my wallet and gave him one. told him good luck! he thanked me and went on his way. i wanst sure if he was lieing or not but i really didnt care.

about a week and a half later i went into the wendys and saw the guy working. it was a pretty awesome sight. he gave me a smile and i did the same. i kow he carred the job for the next year or so, and he offered to give me the $20 back a couple of times but i never took it.

but thats abou the only good experience with a bum that i have had. i rarely, i mean rarely give money to beggars. mostly because of personal opinions about them, some of which have previosly been stated in this thread actually....

i just figured i would give my good experience.

+rep for being awesome
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i dont know if my experience with a bum is a true experience with a "bum" but i will shoot anyway.

about 4 years ago in cincy when i was waiting for a building to open so we could do work inside a guy came up to me asking for $15. he explained that he needed the money in order to get some paperwork from the city building in order to get the job he aplied for at the wendys up the street. i had a few $20 bills in my wallet and gave him one. told him good luck! he thanked me and went on his way. i wanst sure if he was lieing or not but i really didnt care.

about a week and a half later i went into the wendys and saw the guy working. it was a pretty awesome sight. he gave me a smile and i did the same. i kow he carred the job for the next year or so, and he offered to give me the $20 back a couple of times but i never took it.

but thats abou the only good experience with a bum that i have had. i rarely, i mean rarely give money to beggars. mostly because of personal opinions about them, some of which have previosly been stated in this thread actually....

i just figured i would give my good experience.

I'm a "pay-it forward" kind of guy. If I have something I will usually help out. Spare change whatever. A few years ago I was returning from Ft. Benning, GA to see my nephew graduate from basic. In Columbus, GA I met a guy at the terminal while outside smoking who asked for anything I could spare. I had all my money, and cards (credit and bank) in my front right pocket (don't like to keep it all in wallet) and as soon as I pulled out my stuff he grabbed it ALL and ran. I was in such shock that he just did that by the time I realized I had been ripped off, he had turned a corner and split. Not knowing the area I didn't pursue.

Fast forward a few hours late I am in Birmingham, AL. It's around midnite and I'm hungry as hell. Out of cigarettes and no cash to take care of the problem. I sat alone waiting for bus to re-board. Greyhound employee approached me and asked if all was ok. At first I said I was fine but he pushed for more information. I finally told him what happened. He said he'd be back. about 10 minutes later he returned with 2 sandwiches, 2 sodas, a cup of fresh coffee and a pack of Marlboro Reds. I tried to refuse but he insisted. This guy didn't know me from anyone and went out of his way to do that.

Upon returning home I withdrew $100 from my bank and placed those 5 $20 bills in an envelope. I had remembered his name from his nametag and mailed the $$$ away to the station with his name on the envelope. Hope he got it. By the way sent it without a return address.

Edited by Lunatik3
sp error
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