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My first rodeo


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Finally had my first trackday Friday, still coming down :D

Missed the riders meeting first of all. I asked the guy at the tech shed what was going on, I don't think he really knew much about it (wasn't his fault). So about 20 minutes later I started asking around, yeah I missed it, got an instructor anyway. I'm getting on the bike, went through the flags really quick and we were off lol. First 3 laps were really nerve wracking, overthinking and not looking far enough ahead. Right after that we pulled in, rider down and oil on the track. That took at least 30min to clean up. In the downtime I calmed down a bit. Went back out, took the advice, when I thought I was looking far ahead I went farther ahead. Kept upping the pace and told him I want to lead.

Keep in mind this was a practice day, so despite the few orange shirts out there we were still in traffic. Yikes!

So I lead and immediately felt right at home. Didn't worry about the bumpiness (not as bad as I thought it would be), felt completely comfortable, and totally annihilated my chicken strips. I even got to follow PrettyEye for (almost) a whole lap until she went in. By the end of the day (keep in mind this was evening only, short day) I wasn't getting passed on the corners much (of course I was on the racing line lol) and I would just pick a guy that looked close to my pace and just follow him for a couple laps.

Instructors were very helpful. I felt a little pride (had to swallow that quickly, shiny side up and all) when they sounded impressed after following me. Said I didn't really need to work on my form and the only corner I wasn't really getting right was 4, which was a toughie. Funny thing, my first instructor told me I could benefit from just going a little slower around the track. Then I went out with the other instructor, gave him the thumbs up and we went faster. Oops.

Awesome day. I have to admit I had thoughts of going back to a Sport Tourer . . . can't do it now. I'm gonna need a second bike because that was way too much fun. Next mod will be a shorter turn throttle, my wrist got really tired of going aaaaaall the way around the handlebar.





Trying to find the riders meeting


Blurry, setting up for sharp right (edit: on second thought, pretty sure this is coming onto the big straightaway)


Traffic on the backstraight

My buddy couldn't get a good vantage point. These are the best pictures I got. I wish he had gotten me mid corner, definitely felt like I was hanging way off in 3 & 4. Which probably means I was only barely doing it.

A special thanks to PrettyEye! Your help was a highlight for the day, it would have been so much rougher without your help.


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Forgot to include another highlight. There were two other orange shirts out there early on. One on a KTM and the other on an R1. They were both being pulled around by 1 instructor. I think they went out before us. My instructor and I FLEW around them. That felt pretty good. :D

Got to meet the R1 guy later, cool dude. Couldn't get his butt off the seat though.

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Pretty much what I'm thinking. I'm tempted to grab an older goldwing for cheap and turn it into a bobber or rat bike. For example:


Next year I'll have some shopping to do

Stupid question. :D

To ride around on, or to ride at the track? Either way, nice job buddy!

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are those shinko tires? :eek:

Lolz. Yeah those are Stinkos. They were on there when I traded Hoblick. They didn't give me any grip issues. Once I gain more confidence it may be a different story, probably upgrade next season.

And yes NightRider, that is a stupid question. :p

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looks like fun.

i want another sportbike..

i love the VFR and ill definately keep it, but i want a sport bike for track days.

Well if you want to buy it back ;) (cousin just informed me of a sweet deal)

Seriously though, the bike was brilliant. My instructors were on SVs, so any ground I lost trying to learn the corners was def made up for on the straights!

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Lolz. Yeah those are Stinkos. They were on there when I traded Hoblick. They didn't give me any grip issues. Once I gain more confidence it may be a different story, probably upgrade next season.

And yes NightRider, that is a stupid question. :p

You bitch. :(


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