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Power Hour


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:drink:My birthday festivities this year were MUCH different from my previous year's huge 30 bash.

This year we went out for nachos and 'carb'd up' before coming home and doing a Power Hour (1 oz/shot of beer every minute for an hour) followed by Wii playing.

I figured this was a good childish college-esque way to officially be IN my 30's. Unless people are just being nice.. I still do get guessed for being in my mid to late 20s.

All I know is that I hope these 9 years are long ones. I'm not looking forward to the big 4-0.

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:drink:My birthday festivities this year were MUCH different from my previous year's huge 30 bash.

This year we went out for nachos and 'carb'd up' before coming home and doing a Power Hour (1 oz/shot of beer every minute for an hour) followed by Wii playing.

I figured this was a good childish college-esque way to officially be IN my 30's. Unless people are just being nice.. I still do get guessed for being in my mid to late 20s.

All I know is that I hope these 9 years are long ones. I'm not looking forward to the big 4-0.

Hey congrats on the b-day. Your 31? Sorry...i is not mathematically inclined. And why were we not invited!? :mad:

Although...if you were only doing a beer/shot an hour...not sure if you could hang with us anyway. Rather weak. :p

Ohhh...and the wii playing...did this involve the wii fit...and boy shorts?

In all seriousness...congrats...happy b-day. You do look about 26-27.

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LOL! Thanks. Today is my real birthday. Just isn't the same partying on a Sunday.

We did 1 beer shot per minute for an hour.. then drank some more. That's 60oz (usually more due to huge shot glasses) of beer in an hour.

Pre Power Hour pic with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time.





AFTER power hour... oh, and that's Kira on the couch.



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LOL! Thanks. Today is my real birthday. Just isn't the same partying on a Sunday.

We did 1 beer shot per minute for an hour.. then drank some more. That's 60oz (usually more due to huge shot glasses) of beer in an hour.

Pre Power Hour pic with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time.





AFTER power hour... oh, and that's Kira on the couch.



Oh ok. I thought you meant just a drink an hour. Sounds like you had a great time! No Dgtl girl gone wild pics, or vids...of the drunken shenanigans? :D

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Happy belated Birthday! Looks like you had a good time. Good to see the pooch is feeling better. BTW, the 40's aren't to bad. :)

Nope.. you made it in. My birthday was celebrated yesterday drinking-wise but was truely today. LOL

Gotta make a couple day event out of the whole thing.

Yep, Kira is doing much better.

I'm happy to hear that the 40s wont be too bad. Jim gets to experience that before me thank goodness!

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Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Off to bed now.

Tomorrow starts a 10 day Herbal Detox. I hear I have to drink a gallon of water a day.. ehhhhh..yeah. we'll see about that. You'll be lucky to get 8 glasses of water that aren't mixed with tea or coffee.

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Happy belated!

So...what's with the DETOX?


Here are the rules with this 10 Day Cleansing Program that my hubby bought online from a place called Advocare. It sounds like torture. Here are the rules.

NO fried foods, refined sugars, cornor white starches, or bread

NO wheat products (bread, crackers)

NO dairy (cheese, yogurt, milk)

NO alcohol

NO coffee or soda

EAT VEGGIES: salads during the day and steamed at night will scrub your system. Choose spices over dairy/sugar based condiments.

EAT FRUIT: fibrous and low glycemic choices (apples, grapefruit, berries)

EAT HEALTHY FATS: avacado, nuts/seeds, olives/olive oil

EAT CLEAN PROTEINS: feed muscle and reduce appetite (tuna and salmon will aide in cleansing; eggs/chicken would be secondary options; stay away from processed lunch meats)

EAT CLEAN CARBS: (i.e. rice, hummus, oatmeal... if needed)

DRINK WATER! (Goal = 1 gallon, or 4 liters, per day)

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. woohoo.

Edited by DGTL GRL
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happy bday. ur detox sounds like a diet, and not that hard.

thnx. Well, you have to take these crappy supplements too. What good would it be if they didn't have a $35 box of stuff to force you to consume.

Yeah, I guess it won't be that bad. I'm drinking hot tea instead of coffee. I think the hardest part will be avoiding yogurt. I love that stuff!

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Way to go into the detox with a bang!

I did the same type of thing for my 25th birthday.... I was stressed about turning a quarter of a century old so I threw a big keg party complete with plenty of kegstands. Yea, not feeling so hot the next day :D

Anyway, happy belated.

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