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woot! I get to call out a REPOST!

From June...


yes, I remember your post, in pics and vids

this isn't a post about movie trailers, it's a post about the new Sony website playing up the movie. And posted in links. :cool:


Don't forget to sign up to survive the apocalypse...

maybe I should have referenced the original post. But I didn't, I linked the Sony movie trailer site. MUHAHAHAHA

I linked the Sony website for trailers anyway, not a youtube. HiDef stuff.

Even if the Sony website flash freezes my poor old computer...

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I think I'll start over to clear the confusion.

This is a contest website to win stuff.


You pretend to enter to be one of those to survive the apocalypse,

and the winners are drawn like a lotto.

It's a publicity stunt by Sony, for the November release of the movie 2012.

They've done several of these before, most are fun.

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From everything I've been able to find out about it, it's supposed to be just your basic CG crap. District-9, on the other hand is getting great reviews. I went over to rave last night to see it. Good movie.

It has that potential, as so many disaster movies do. But Independence Day was a winner. So maybe it will happen. I doubt it also.

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