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QFT bad stuff...

yeah pretty much every dealer uses it, because they get trade ins and well if you spray enough of that shit on there it will look shiny.

btu as soon as you wash it.. the shine washes off.

its not a protective barrier, its a cove rup basically

wax and sealants are better to be used.

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I need some research done on the best way to write a locktight prenup?

Also, some examples of how prenups have been successfully overturned and the lessons learned on why they weren't honored per the original agreement.

*Note: This is out of curiosity only... I have no life changing announcements for the board.

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your wash techniques are what are making the paint swirl.

invest in a grit guard fro your wash bucket, and also a 2 bucket method with heavy nap wash mits are great. and try using compressed air or a leaf blower to dry the bike off after washing..

along side that .. dont use dish soap get some decent car wash like meguirs or something.

dish soaps strip wax off of painted surfaces.

as for removing swirls.. youll be very hard pressed to do much in the way of removing swirls without some kind of machine. but if you wish you can try some meguirs swirl remover, and alot of time. hand rubbing the stuf.. jsut follow the directions. and youll probably have to do a few passes per sections.

also use only micro fiber towels when wiping away your wax or whatever.

Thanks a lot man.......and yeah I use a good car wash, I just used the dish soap only one time to strip the old wax....and I dry it always with the leaf blower.......rest I got it....have to try

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Always meant to ask, is that a Krauser rig on the VFR tail? I got one, K5, I just haven't needed to haul stuff yet...

I can send you sci fi books to read on the computer... which would probably put you to sleep.

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Always meant to ask, is that a Krauser rig on the VFR tail? I got one, K5, I just haven't needed to haul stuff yet...

I can send you sci fi books to read on the computer... which would probably put you to sleep.

yup Krauser.. and its pretty nice setup.

thanks for the offer but not into sci fi books.

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Thanks a lot man.......and yeah I use a good car wash, I just used the dish soap only one time to strip the old wax....and I dry it always with the leaf blower.......rest I got it....have to try

well if your drying techinque is down.. then you just have to work on your wash technique.

check out autogeek.net for some good products, and also you can snag a grit guard there as well.

alot of good info on that site too.

and they have some great deals

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I need some research done on the best way to write a locktight prenup?

Also, some examples of how prenups have been successfully overturned and the lessons learned on why they weren't honored per the original agreement.

*Note: This is out of curiosity only... I have no life changing announcements for the board.

here read this


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but for you JRMiii

In today’s society, requesting a prenup is often interpreted as a sign of mistrust or lack of commitment. Yet, as New York financial adviser Nancy Dunnan reminds us, a "marriage is not just an emotional and physical union -- it's also a financial union. A prenup and the discussions that go with it can help ensure the financial well-being of the marriage."

As with any agreement, a prenuptial agreement can be open to interpretation, especially during divorce proceedings. So, if you want to make sure she doesn't take you to the cleaners, take note of the potential prenup loopholes described below and leave as little room for interpretation as possible.


Prenups are typically dependent on the complete disclosure of assets. Omitting an asset, even if just by accident, can void the entire agreement. The prenup loophole is that, should the agreement come into a court setting, the only thing one side has to do is find a legitimate asset that was excluded when the agreement was executed. As the law goes, ignorance is no excuse.

Additionally, following procedure is essential. For example, say that you stipulate in the agreement that you want to keep the house that has been in your family for generations. This can be dependent on continuing to pay for that house (property taxes, insurance, mortgage, maintenance, etc.) from a separate individual account. Paying from a joint account can give the other party marital claim to the property simply because the rules of engagement were not followed. With one side typically pushing for the agreement more than the other, usually on the grounds of “business,” all it takes is the omission of one item or a deviation from the guidelines to potentially void the agreement.

Equitable distribution

One thing that is common across all divorce laws in every state is that spousal support or a settlement is necessary in the event that the divorce would have unfair economic consequences. Of course, such rhetoric is vague, and there are no real definitive guidelines. So in the end, this prenup loophole comes down to another vague phrase: equitable distribution. It's no secret that Warren Buffet’s net worth is in the tens of billions of dollars, but the bulk of that number represents paper wealth. His salary is $100,000 per year -- a paltry amount considering his vast fortune.

What would happen if the court ordered a 50/50 split of his assets? The same would hold true if you claimed a $100 million fortune, but it was in paintings and jewelry -- and not cash. If a distribution is ordered (even if there is a prenup in place), and even if the distribution represents far less than 50/50, what happens if one party does not want the paintings? A valid prenup requires complete disclosure of assets and fair market value of such assets, and should an order be made to pay even a paltry percentage of the total assets, it may force an unwanted liquidation or payment of cash to one party in lieu of rights to the assets.

Protect yourself by learning more about prenup loopholes... Next Page >>

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The pain does not have to start there. Take a $100 million stash of art, as claimed in the prenup. Should the prenup become void, you might have to write a check for $50 million in cash to the ex. If you do not have the cash on hand, your only option may be to sell the painting -- perhaps for only $80 million because of the urgency of the sale -- and you still may have to pay $50 million since the asset was listed as $100 million. Maybe the art collection is now worth $200 million? Even if the first $100 million is protected per the agreement, the appreciation that occurred during the marriage may not be covered. Even if the prenuptial agreement holds up in full, standard community property may apply to the unrealized gain amount.

Premarital assets

The well-publicized divorce of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills is an example of the turmoil that can unfold during divorce proceedings. Granted, Sir Paul did not bother with a prenuptial agreement in the first place, so there is no room to feel sorry for him.

The issue here pertains to premarital assets. It is commonly assumed that an ex-spouse has no claim to any assets or inheritance that was around before the marriage began. In the case of the former Beatle, one would think that the infrastructure for most of his great fortune was established well before Heather Mills came into the picture -- or was even born (she is 26 years younger than Paul). However, simply being married can often automatically bring the issue of community property into the mix.

laws vary by state

Divorce is not black and white throughout the country. In fact, each state has its own set of guidelines and laws when it comes to things like divorce, spousal support and child support. Careful attention should be given to the laws of each state because you never know where the future will bring you. For instance, if you were married in Florida and moved to New York for your career, New York might become the state of jurisdiction in the event of a divorce. This is key, considering that New York does not offer “no fault” divorce, which means someone has to be the one to blame -- and depending on how things get presented, it might be you. Being at fault in a state like New York can have all sorts of consequences, such as voiding the prenuptial agreement or paying an amount beyond the prenuptial agreement that makes for a “fair and equitable” distribution. Additionally, moving into a community-property state (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, or Wisconsin) can have some favorable financial implications, but can also open the floodgates to a 50/50 split issue, even with a valid prenuptial agreement on file.

More prenup info you should know... Next Page >>

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the deepest pocket pays

Even with a seemingly ironclad prenuptial agreement, delays in completing the divorce proceedings and other unexpected judicial decisions can really be a cause for financial pain. Take the 2006 Ohio Cangemi v. Cangemi case:

At the time of their marriage in 1996, Mr. Cangemi had a net worth of over $8 million, compared to the wife’s small $33,000. A very definitive and mutually agreed upon prenuptial agreement provided that in the event of a divorce, Mrs. Cangemi would receive $5,000/mo. for 12 months. Six years after she filed for divorce, the 12-month period started. However, during the six years of divorce proceedings, the wealthier party shelled out $6,000/mo. and paid $15,000 in her attorney’s fees per court order -- the grand total was close to $450,000. Apart from the gross difference in the amount paid versus the amount stipulated in the prenuptial agreement, how can there be six years of complex proceedings with a black-and-white business agreement in hand? The judges involved provided a very detailed account of the case and referenced very established case-law scenarios and even the prenuptial agreement itself when ordering the temporary support arrangement. A big portion of the decision was also related to the respective wealth of each of the parties. Since Mr. Cangemi had the means to provide such temporary support, he was ordered by the court to do so.

protect yourself

When drafting out a prenup, the biggest thing to remember is that it is not likely to go uncontested. Granted, it is a business agreement and should be treated as such, but with the emotional aspects of a divorce and direct implications to the lifestyles of the parties involved, expect that there will always be someone left to fight. Your best bet, of course, is to avoid nasty proceedings during a divorce, and split amicably and fairly. However, should that not be an option, find the best divorce attorney you can and make sure all bases are covered -- because if you do not, it is likely someone on the other side will point that out to you.

















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what are the most popular replace brake pads?

i have a tl1000s


you can get them about anywhere.

i ahve bought some on ebay though that were alled like sixty

had them on my R6 they are spot on compareable to the EBC pads, and at a fraction of the cost

i think i got a full set all for the front and the rear for like $60 shipped

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