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WTB: set of Diablo's (not Corsa's etc)


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Looking to try & find the best price for a set of Diablo's

190/50-17 or 200/50-17



Most places i've seen are about $150+$160 rear & $115 front +fitting etc

Anyone know of any better prices?

Also anyone have any thoughts on Bridgestone BT-014 & 020 tires? (the 020's are what come stock on my bike)

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Iron Pony has them cheaper than that on their website, but a buddy of mine told me that they won't honor that price in store... nor will they let you pick them up after ordering them online... nor will they mount and balance them... Further, most places won't touch a tire that was purchased from anyone but them... Rice Paddy will though, but it's more expensive.

Oh, and you know how I said I expected another 2k miles out of mine, for a total of around about 5k... Well, after 200 hundred today, this is what my rear looked like:


The fuckin' tread wear indicators aren't even flush yet! :wtf:

So now, I too am looking for a Diablo... I bought a tire mounter thingy though, but have never used it... Actually, I've never put it together... First time should be fun! I want to ride on Sunday, so I'll probably just end up going to Iron Pony and buying one off the shelf... unless someone else knows of a place that has them cheaper!

I am considering Pilot Road 2ct's for future tires... Shouldn't square off, but sticky on the sides for railing the corners... I just need to find someone who's used them...

Looking to try & find the best price for a set of Diablo's

190/50-17 or 200/50-17



Most places i've seen are about $150+$160 rear & $115 front +fitting etc

Anyone know of any better prices?

Also anyone have any thoughts on Bridgestone BT-014 & 020 tires? (the 020's are what come stock on my bike)

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