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destination truth

kawi kid

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does anyone watch this show or catch the season premier that was on tonight? :eek: crazy!!!

they visited the Hoia Baciu woods of Romania. wow it was freaking nuts. their camera man literally disappeard and they found him thrown in the brush in shock.

Edited by kawi kid
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does anyone watch this show or catch the season premier that was on tonight? :eek: crazy!!!

they visited the Hoia Baciu woods of Romania. wow it was freaking nuts. their camera man literally disappeard and they found him thrown in the brush in shock.

Uhhh, no. But what's the show about?

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this is taken off their site.

Led by intrepid world-adventurer Josh Gates, each episode of Destination Truth takes viewers on a trek across the globe as Josh investigates stories of the unexplained. Accompanied by his small crew, Josh dives into the local cultures and searches for clues to the existence of strange creatures and paranormal phenomena.

they try to debunk myths and stuff basically by using a scientific approach. its alot like ghost hunters which is another one of my favorite shows.

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this is taken off their site.

they try to debunk myths and stuff basically by using a scientific approach. its alot like ghost hunters which is another one of my favorite shows.

Ahh bro. I used to watch ghost hunters too. But ALOT of that shit...is fake. A guy falling over in an abandoned building, claiming to be "pushed" by something. (Not actually from GH, but you get the idea) Then again Gh, did really from what i saw...try to deny...alot of paranormal activity.

This show, actually sounds like it might be legit though. Maybe. What exactly happened to their camera man?

Checked out the website. Actually doesn't sound too bad. Might have to check it out.

Edited by NightRider
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It's been on for a while. They definitely get into some weird stuff. Kinda cool actually.

I think one of the first ones was "let's go find a yeti".

edit: actually, I might be thinking of two similar shows on scifi.

They seem to be the same people, but I think the name of the show changed? Not sure now.

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yea i have only watched a hand full of episodes of gh where they said yes this place is haunted so i really do believe what they do is on the up and up. they actually investigated a place about 15 min away from coshocton about a year ago and it made it onto tv.

i looked and looked but cant find any vid of it yet and its hard to explain what actually happened. ill give it a shot so work with me here.

they are in a wooded area in romania that has this wierd perfect circle in the center of it where nothing grows. the locals are always seeing strange lights and hearing screams and laughter coming from inside the woods coming from the strange circle. well they spot some wierd lights that are just like floating up then disappreaing and actually getting them on film and shit, its really strange.

But late into the evening they decice to take thirty min shifts of alone time and sit in the middle of the circle just to see if they can catch anything. all the while whoever in doing the shift is being watched over by their stationary cameras with someone monitoring them at all times as to make it like they arent completely alone.

the first guy is sitting there and he is hearing something walking behind him like foot steps and he radios back to the base to use the cameras and see if they can see anything over his shoulder cuz he said is sounds like something is there and he didnt want to scare it off by moving. the base sees nothing and a few min goes by but then out of nowhere there is a white light just float up over his left shoulder and he grabs the thermal camera and sees no heat source but can see it with his eye.

it was really odd but his shift is over and the next guy is up and he dont seem to be there for very long when he says he is hearing strange noises that ressemble women speaking and laughter. so the guy really starts getting freaked and is asking the base to use the cameras to check behind him. they are radioing back and forth when the guy says something (and i cant remember what it was) then literally disappears right in front of the camera!!! everyone on the team freaks and takes off sprinting towards the circle and when they get there there is no sign of him at all. then someone spots something in like the brush and its that guys in total shock.

the guy had no recollection of how he got there or anything just said he was really itchy all over and his arm hurt. they take a closer look at his arm and he has fresh cuts on his forearm. and it wasnt like cuts the brush could have done to him cuz he had a thick long sleeve on.

they go back and look at the film closer and in slow motion he is sitting there then boom he is gone. on his initial movement his arm flung up and it honestly looked like he was jerked straight out of his chair by his arm. all that actually took about one and a quarter frames of film.

it was crazy but the cool thing was they actually took the film to jason and grant from GH and they reviewed alot of their evidience and they debunked alot of it except for a few pics and the video of that guy getting whatever it was that happend to him.

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I've seen several episodes on you tube - they hype up the trips, gather some evidence, but when they're really close to a breakthrough he and his crew get all scared and retreat

i kinda noticed that but after watchin his camera man get spiritualy raped i didnt blame them for getting the hell outta there :lol:

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