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FLashin blue and red


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You may be right about the scientists.. but your argument is null and void considering that everyone acts different and reacts different to certain situations...

Driving 90mph is cool for some and not others but facts are that there are laws.. you may not like them but they are still laws.. and getting buzzed, drunk or whatever and riding is a fucking stupid decision and if you think your better then that then your a fucking stupid person. I have no sympathy for you if you get hurt while drinking and riding and would not even care to help you after knowing your opinion on the subject... If you think Im kidding, Im sure others on here know me well enough to agree that if you were drinking and riding and wrecked, I would have no problem sitting there watching you bleed while eating a sandwhich because I will have the comfort to know you wont be around to hurt anyone I know... Call me an asswhole or whatever you like but like I said earlier.. Why fight darwinism just so that it can hurt someone else..

I agree drinking and riding is a bad idea, but you bring up LAW...so....if said person wrecked doing 90 in a 55 would you also eat the proverbial sandwich while he/she bled to death? They were breaking a law, and that law is in place for a reason?

Just wondering why one law is OK to break and the other isnt.

Quite frankly I think some dude cruising down the road at the speed limit with a BAC of .08 is less threat to the general public than the stone sober guy running twice the limit. Now in the case of this story he was a stroke on two fronts so we can agree there anyway but...

Lotsa grey area there. Drinking makes most people act like morons, myself included thats why I think its a bad idea...but some people are morons without any assistance whatsoever but as long as they're breaking a law your ok with its all good....

Guess I need to start packing a sandwich when I ride so I can eat it whenever someone dies doing something I dont like. Seems very few of the fatalities this summer were caused by alcohol, from what I've read they've been caused by ego, or piss poor driving in general.

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things like that you just dont mention to anyone til years later when you can give someone else advice and a story about a bad decision you made that could have caused yourself alot of problems.


I never quite have figured out why people post topics like this either.... You had to know it was going to take the turn that it did.. You did it and caught one hell of a lucky break... So take it as a lesson learned and don't post about it.

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You may be right about the scientists.. but your argument is null and void considering that everyone acts different and reacts different to certain situations...

Actually, that fact "that everyone acts differently and reacts different to certain situations" WAS my point, thanks for parroting it and claiming it as your own :lol:

Driving 90mph is cool for some and not others but facts are that there are laws.. you may not like them but they are still laws.. and getting buzzed, drunk or whatever and riding is a fucking stupid decision and if you think your better then that then your a fucking stupid person. I have no sympathy for you if you get hurt while drinking and riding and would not even care to help you after knowing your opinion on the subject... If you think Im kidding, Im sure others on here know me well enough to agree that if you were drinking and riding and wrecked, I would have no problem sitting there watching you bleed while eating a sandwhich. I will be able to do it with no concern for your well being because I will have the comfort knowing you wont be around to hurt anyone else I know or care about... Call me an asswhole or whatever you like but like I said earlier.. Why fight Darwinism just so that it can hurt someone else..

1) arguing the merit of something because it is the law is a fallacious argument

2) I never once said that riding while buzzed or drunk was a smart decision

3) I don't recall asking for your possible future sympathies, in fact seeing as I have no idea who you are I could give a flying fuck either way

4) No, I don't think you are kidding and the "act hard" attempt failed miserably

5) "Why fight Darwinism just so that it can hurt someone else.." - your sentence structure sucks

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I think both of the above statements should be combined.

We all break the law in one way or another & we would all be pissed if some took us out while on a ride, drinking, speeding or what ever the reason. I just thing that as wee all speed but dont all drink & drive it seems less of an offence, otherwise we'd all be riding Vespa's & sticking to the speed limits & yes it really is something you should keep to yourself for a VERY long time.

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HOLY SHIT...... its 315 in the morning and i just walked away from a sure DUI

I dont know who i paid off but THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH... I'm ridin home from downtown dayton, just got done putin it to this hottie. Ive had a few.DID my business,ridin home listenin to Godsmack cruisin rt4 goin 115 {strait line mind u} look to my rite Cross highway, OH shit i say..get 2 harshman rd exit,the lights come on.Im fuct,Pull over in front of stebbins high school, put my helmet on the pavement stand up,turn and get my registration from my rear seat. I turn and hand my licences to the officer and he says to me,you still live on silver oak st.. Dazed i say yes i'm headed home now.. He says keep it down,,, and turns and walks away..... say what dumbfounded i am,wndering what or who i did for such a free pass wow Iwill not take this lightly... i am amazed that i was able to get home to my family after i saw those hatefull red and blue lights come on.. What did i do to deserve a second,third,fourth,or even a fifth chance. Thank you so very much...

I was questioning this particular phrase along with Mr. Bret, but for a different reason. Was it really necessary to announce the next notch on your bedpost to the entire forum? She is one lucky lady to have been with you...wow, she's practically famous now. I'll join Flounder on the curb with a sandwich and, for the fellow ladies out there, give you a nice swift kick where it counts for appearing to be an egotistical ass on top of the poor drink/drive decision. Have a nice day. :p

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I was questioning this particular phrase along with Mr. Bret, but for a different reason. Was it really necessary to announce the next notch on your bedpost to the entire forum? She is one lucky lady to have been with you...wow, she's practically famous now. I'll join Flounder on the curb with a sandwich and, for the fellow ladies out there, give you a nice swift kick where it counts for appearing to be an egotistical ass on top of the poor drink/drive decision. Have a nice day. :p

Very well put.

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Flounder & PLsanders...... Ecotistical is a bit to heavy, maybe self assured yea that works for me... ... So i guess what i really wanna say is FUCK YOU 2 FISH... If your ever in dayton look me up we'll go for a ride and get them eats for ya... Hell maybe even a BEER...:drink::bigfinger::thefinger:

Well first I want you to realize this.. Had you come on here and said you had drank 1 beer with dinner and heading home, I would not be flaming you like now.. however, you came on here saying you escaped a DUI while on your bike, just got done giving it to a hottie, and was headed home to your family,, Different response now.

Awww... did someone get the feelings hurt.. grow up.. you posted something stupid and got flamed for it.. People have opinions and if your not ready to hear them then dont post about your situations.. Im in dayton every so often as I went to school there, and received my pilots license there.. I will surely call you after Ive had a few beers and offer to give your kids an airplane or motorcycle ride..

Your such a dipshit it amazes me...

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Actually, that fact "that everyone acts differently and reacts different to certain situations" WAS my point, thanks for parroting it and claiming it as your own :lol:

1) arguing the merit of something because it is the law is a fallacious argument

2) I never once said that riding while buzzed or drunk was a smart decision

3) I don't recall asking for your possible future sympathies, in fact seeing as I have no idea who you are I could give a flying fuck either way

4) No, I don't think you are kidding and the "act hard" attempt failed miserably

5) "Why fight Darwinism just so that it can hurt someone else.." - your sentence structure sucks

What do ya know.. another "special" person responds. your scientific and medical knowledge amazes me. While you dont recall asking for my opinion on any topic, realize your posting on a public forum where you will get responses and opinions that differ from your own. As far as your "act hard" statement goes.. Im not acting hard one bit. I just dont care about you.. There is a difference.

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Awwww Everybody is so perfect... i dont remember sayin i was drunk, i said it was a sure dui if the cop pressed... but thats here nor there... drinkin and ridin is all the same.. And i commend all of you who have the restraint to not ride their bikes after having had a few beers... Well see ya around. And keep the insults coming... Lets see tool, dipshit, retard.. Is that all, theres got to be better insults that you can come up with...

holy crap, your so ignorant look at this too...not that experianced riders should ride drunk but...

Damn i wanted to go... I havnt had the privalege of hittin the twisties yet.. i have only been ridin for 4 months now and all my milage is all town traffic.. Next time yall hit them give me a call i wold love a good ride... 4701944
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What do ya know.. another "special" person responds. your scientific and medical knowledge amazes me. While you dont recall asking for my opinion on any topic, realize your posting on a public forum where you will get responses and opinions that differ from your own. As far as your "act hard" statement goes.. Im not acting hard one bit. I just dont care about you.. There is a difference.

please, share with us your science credentials... I'm very interested

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Flounder has no scientific credentials...he's just a know-it-all.

It's funny reading thru all these posts that have a common theme of: how it's so bad to drink and RIDE. What about drinking and driving?! Hell, if the original creator of this tread (we'll call him 'idiot' from now on; not because he got drunk, nailed some hottie, rode home to his family, and escaped a dui...but because he posted it on this forum) veered in to on-coming traffic, he'll probably only kill himself...not the family of 4 in the minivan - as a car/truck would more than likely do. In the Idiot's defense, he wasn't out "hitting the twisties" (lol) with a group of us so-call "pros"(LMAO). He's basically only going to hurt himself.

I really hope that anyone who flamed Idiot NEVER in their life drove after having 3 or 4 drinks.

I'd rather have Idiot on the road driving his 400lb bike drunk as a skunk rather than some 70 yr old person trying to maneuver their Buick around 270. Or, some trucker who's running on 4hrs sleep. Both of these scenarios are more dangerous, IMO....and both are legal.


Idiot...keep doing silly things...but more importantly, keep posting them!

Flounder...keep flaming Idiot..."your" very entertaining!

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I should get at least 1 or 2 cheers as I sent him here from GDC. ;)

this is true, thanks!

BTW, that's a typical HONDA rider for you. :rolleyes:

ludefreak was wanting to ride w/ me you and that other guy (not sure of the name, sorry)BUMP THAT! i will never let someone so stupid watch my back

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