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FLashin blue and red


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Only way he's riding with me now is if he got some years under his belt and a track day. He ruined my perception of him as a newbie. I like to ride hard out in the country where I like to ride and I don't want to have to worry about some knucklehead behind me taking me out at a stop sign or crashing trying to keep up with me which can't happen anyways. I'm choosy about who I ride with. There's a difference between riding fast and riding dangerously.


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:violin::violin::violin::violin::violin:Oh well... Just kind of curious why does posting the truth about a boneheaded move make me an idiot?? I will say that this is the most excitment i have seen on this site since i first joined hope all were entertained... Ride safe all... I'm sure i'll have more idiot stuff to post overtime...
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yea i know.... so flounder you up for a ride??? LOL Thanks again Mr cool cop...
Awwww Everybody is so perfect... i dont remember sayin i was drunk, i said it was a sure dui if the cop pressed... but thats here nor there... drinkin and ridin is all the same.. And i commend all of you who have the restraint to not ride their bikes after having had a few beers... Well see ya around. And keep the insults coming... Lets see tool, dipshit, retard.. Is that all, theres got to be better insults that you can come up with...
Flounder & PLsanders...... Ecotistical is a bit to heavy, maybe self assured yea that works for me... ... So i guess what i really wanna say is FUCK YOU 2 FISH... If your ever in dayton look me up we'll go for a ride and get them eats for ya... Hell maybe even a BEER...:drink::bigfinger::thefinger:
You must forgive me but i dont remember trying to justify anything... I said it was wrong from the go.

ok my bad, maybe you werent trying to justify it, but you were making light of it, which is as bad as trying to justify it, because you truly dont regret it, and i forgot to quote the OP but you said this hasnt been the first time, so i dont believe you when you say it was a boneheaded move. people who have no respect for themselves, people around them, or what would happen to THEIR FAMILY should not be aloud to ride motorcycles. I still dont understand why you made this thread in the first place. Attention? i dunno, you had to have known all this flaming would happen, or did you think you could meet up with some of us, booze up and head out for a ride? Show some respect and concern for yourself and other people

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I was not making light of it i fired back when people started talkin about eatin sandwiches and watchin people die along with name callin.Not necessary in my opinion... But i sometimes forget that when i'm on the internet that some of the people i'm in contact with are using their internet created personalities and probly wouldnt have the balls to talk the way they do in a face to face conversation, i could be wrong though and dont really care.. When i talked about second chances i was refering to time in my auto before i even got my bike... Sunday was the first time i got on my bike having had drinks.. Normally i dont ride if i know i'm gonna drink but sunday was a spur of the moment kind of thing wasnt plannin on bein out but BLAH BLAH.. Anyways please dont assume that i am some drunk on a 346lb rocket looking to take everyone out.. that aint me at all, i take riding my motorcycle seriously.. Riding is somthing i have come to enjoy very much, and would be uterly devistated if i screwed up my privaledge to ride... I think if we were to ever ride you would see that i am a very safe consiterate rider... As for your question Nick, you have seen my myspace page so you know the answer to that question.. Enuff explaining.. I'm headed to QS&L tonite if it dont rain 50% chance they say..( not drinkin of course) If yall happen to be there say hi and chit chat for a minute, White 07 600rr, black icon accelerant jacket, Red beat michigan shirt.. Be safe everyone!!!

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defiantly not a internet personality, i will never say anything online that i wouldnt say to someones face, especially when you live a half hour away. I wouldnt get in your face and try to fight you or something lame like that, but i would point things out. I dont want anyone to get hurt, you me, your family, my family. So of course im gonna say something when someone post something like that.

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holy crap, your so ignorant look at this too...not that experianced riders should ride drunk but...

Don't you love the interweb?

Ludefreak - you're nothing but a squid. Here's hoping you get out of riding or grow up before you hurt someone else.

Dumb decision. Even dumber to post about it.

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sorry lemon not gonna get out of bikes for awhile.... I dont mind bein a squid... And i will try and remember for futur postings to only post things that make me look good... But i got lots of funny stories. Squid out... I got an idea for a new section we can call it the dumbest post of the week/month award... I nominate Ludefreak for august...Ha ha ha:D

safe ridin all

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Well I'm the new guy on this block but...........you win the trophy hands down.......I'm a member on many ST sites and this one wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's how it sounds.....I was drunk enough to get a DWI....while riding a motorcycle....after copping a piece of ass.....slowing down from going 110mph....but I was going straight...LOL....GFR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe on a Hardly Ridable site but for god sakes not a real riders site...

....and just for the record I would say this right to your face(.)....


P.S. get yourself a nice garage queen and try to only hit the bar down the street and keep off the rest that we ride on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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