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  nochknstrps said:

So its not out landish to say that tickets sales were already low this year, adding the xr1200 series to the card will not improve ticket sales. The new heads of AMA should focus on restoring motorcycle road racing to its once had glory. After that then they can venture into uncharted waters with new classes.

i like this statement.

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  buildit said:
Supporting motorcycleists is one thing, I don't support the HD industry though. They have perpetuated more "bad" stereotypes and incorrect information than the whole of the MC industry. It is hard for me to deal with any group that encourages drinking and riding, lack of proper gear or unsafe riding techniques.

I know there are lots of HD owners and riders who are great riders, are ATGATT and don't perpetuate the HD stigma. To them I appologize for the stereotype the ownership of a HD gives them.

As to the AMA I figured out a long time ago that they have to appeal to the masses. It doesn't mean they are ignoring the concerns of other riders. So if the HD crowd is interested in racing I say more power to them. Maybe it will change some HD views on use of proper gear or the dangers of drinking and riding. :)

LOL, Really?

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  nochknstrps said:
I won't be spending any money to go see any races is what I mean.

And Yes I actaully made it to Daytona and Mid-O. After Daytona I said that I wouldn't pay for any more tickets this year, I just happen to win a few for mid-o.

So its not out landish to say that tickets sales were already low this year, adding the xr1200 series to the card will not improve ticket sales. The new heads of AMA should focus on restoring motorcycle road racing to its once had glory. After that then they can venture into uncharted waters with new classes.


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  Isaac said:
I like the XR1200 thing. It's a cool bike. I don't think people should get their pussies sore because the DMG/AMA is nut-cupping their largest support network. The majority of AMA memberships belong to HD owners. So.. do what you need to. Make money. Make racing. It's all good in my e-pinion.

Plus' date=' the kids on bored-out 250s will be awesome to watch. We're never going to get the 2-strokes back so this is the next best thing. I think getting the younger kids into the sport is always good. Maybe the USA will finally start producing WSB/GP caliber racers. (Spies excluded.. he's just awesome, and make's my dick hard)[/quote']


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Originally Posted by buildit viewpost.gif

I know there are lots of HD owners and riders who are great riders, are ATGATT and don't perpetuate the HD stigma. To them I appologize for the stereotype the ownership of a HD gives them.

LOL, Really?

Would you like to debate the image squids give those who ride sport bikes or those disreguarding private property give off road riders a bad image? Amungst every group there are those who provide the stereotype for that type of riding. I am simply saying I know not every harley rider rides around with sun glasses and cut off jeans and a wife beater for gear. But it is a stereotype that I have built up about the harley crowd. For that I am willing to appologize to those who do not embody that group.

But if your one of the no front break using, ten beer stops for a 50 mile ride, wouldn't wear a helmet if you were a professional football player, still looking for a pipe that will get the bike over 200db and thinks a proper turn involves keeping your feet dragging so you don't fall over, then NO Appology To You!:p

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  buildit said:
Would you like to debate the image squids give those who ride sport bikes or those disreguarding private property give off road riders a bad image? Amungst every group there are those who provide the stereotype for that type of riding. I am simply saying I know not every harley rider rides around with sun glasses and cut off jeans and a wife beater for gear. But it is a stereotype that I have built up about the harley crowd. For that I am willing to appologize to those who do not embody that group.

But if your one of the no front break using, ten beer stops for a 50 mile ride, wouldn't wear a helmet if you were a professional football player, still looking for a pipe that will get the bike over 200db and thinks a proper turn involves keeping your feet dragging so you don't fall over, then NO Appology To You!:p

+1 to all that.

Driving through columbus every day I see squids on their "gixxers", wife-beaters, Vans with no-socks, no lid and no brains....whizzing through freeway traffic like the Ducati bike chase scene from Matrix 2.

Show me a Harley biker living up to the stereotype, and I'll show you a stretched swing-arm lowered, neon-lit retardosickle that embarrasses me to my core.

Every group has its retards. Don't make me do a search on this site - cause there's some painful evidence right under our noses.

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  buildit said:
Would you like to debate the image squids give those who ride sport bikes or those disreguarding private property give off road riders a bad image? Amungst every group there are those who provide the stereotype for that type of riding. I am simply saying I know not every harley rider rides around with sun glasses and cut off jeans and a wife beater for gear. But it is a stereotype that I have built up about the harley crowd. For that I am willing to appologize to those who do not embody that group.

But if your one of the no front break using, ten beer stops for a 50 mile ride, wouldn't wear a helmet if you were a professional football player, still looking for a pipe that will get the bike over 200db and thinks a proper turn involves keeping your feet dragging so you don't fall over, then NO Appology To You!:p

I have ridden with and owned all types of bikes. Never once have I seen someone dragging a foot on the ground in a turn. The only time I have ridden to a bar is to attend a bike night and the first time I have ever heard of anyone only using the rear brake was on this site yesterday. My point is simply that if someone is a squid, they are a squid and stupid for not wearing gear and that has nothing to do with what they ride. If a Steelers QB wants to ride his busa without a helmet, how is that hurting anyone but him?

I agree there are idiots on both sides, but there are good people on both sides too and stereotypes are just wrong. For every idiot you see on a HD at night revving his motor there is another one that really just enjoys riding and thinks they have something in common with everyone that rides, not just HD.

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You've never been ticketed for them?

No, they look alot larger in the pic than they really are simply because they are 1 1/4 in thick and the windscreen is off.

They are a good 6 inches below my shoulders. Some states they can't be above your shoulders and some I think are 18 inches.

They are only 2 inches taller than alot of the stock bars

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Citizens Arrest! Citizens Arrest!



Yeah, it only takes one retard to make everyone look bad. I guess I just find it way to easy to pick on the Harley crowd becasue I see so many out here who need edumacated. :)

As for the origional post, if Harleys can draw the crowd it takes to support the events, then I say good for them. Only races I see once a year are at vintage motor days anyways.:rolleyes:

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  nochknstrps said:
I won't be spending any money to go see any races is what I mean.

And Yes I actaully made it to Daytona and Mid-O. After Daytona I said that I wouldn't pay for any more tickets this year, I just happen to win a few for mid-o.

So its not out landish to say that tickets sales were already low this year, adding the xr1200 series to the card will not improve ticket sales. The new heads of AMA should focus on restoring motorcycle road racing to its once had glory. After that then they can venture into uncharted waters with new classes.

Oh, ok. So you won't even pay to see the racing that you DO like? Why bother with this argument then? It doesn't have anything to do with you.

What you fail to understand is that when you add small privateer classes to a major venue, it DOES bring more people. When you give a little guy a shot at performing in front of major market crowds, he brings out every friend and family member he can to support him. Now add in the fact that the class is full of HD's and you're going to get even more folks on the lawn.

Ever been to a flat track race? Tell me HD guys don't care about racing...

Take a look in the parking lot and get back to me. And don't bother with "Flat track is the nascar of motorcycle racing" because that's bullshit.

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  Zach said:
It wouldn't be any fun, you'd already be at top speed before you got out of the keyhole.

That would be worse than a motard out there.

I've seen motards run at VMD. They rock! So if scooters would be like motard I say they need to have a Mid Ohio Scooter days. :p

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  buildit said:
I've seen motards run at VMD. They rock! So if scooters would be like motard I say they need to have a Mid Ohio Scooter days. :p

Come to think of it, I've seen some Motards ripping up Mid-O. So I'm back to my previous statement...Scooter, me, Mid-O, let's do this! lol

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  McLovin said:
I guess you are seein my point...xr1200 should run on vintage days. :D

Umm, no.

  buildit said:
I've seen motards run at VMD. They rock! So if scooters would be like motard I say they need to have a Mid Ohio Scooter days. :p
  McLovin said:
Come to think of it, I've seen some Motards ripping up Mid-O. So I'm back to my previous statement...Scooter, me, Mid-O, let's do this! lol

Yeah, they're neat but they're in top gear pegged halfway down the stretch. Just a bouncin off the rev limiter.

Bikes like that need a smaller track.

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  Zach said:

Yeah, they're neat but they're in top gear pegged halfway down the stretch. Just a bouncin off the rev limiter.

Bikes like that need a smaller track.

So all bikes that max out on the straight aways need to go elsewhere?:wtf:

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