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Halo 3 ODST


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I really expected a thread to already be rolling.

What are your thoughts?

Only got to play through a couple of levels last night.

I found the play to be a little slow at the start. Maybe because I haven't played Halo in over a year. So maybe it was just me trying to get re-adjusted to the controls. I did feel like an outcast a little yesterday before the purchase. every single person on the friend list was playing ODST. I'm liking the multiple story lines, should make it a little more interesting. Don't want to spoil it for those of you that haven't played yet.

Discuss. :popcorn:

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I believe the next Halo expansion will be called Halo: Hot Potato, feature no guns whatsoever, and this will have little to no effect on most gametypes.

Put it in the other day, grenade grenade GRENADE. Spawn, throw a grenade. There's someone in front of you, do you shoot him? No, throw a grenade. Halo pisses me off so ODST would be a waste of my $$$.

Edited by V4junkie
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I loved Orange Box but the updates are never happening. Been playing some BlazBlue because if makes Street Fighter look slow and ponderous. Then waiting on Borderlands at the end of October.

Also, borrowed Mirrors Edge from my brother. Holy gay fishsticks that game is frustrating! Die, try something else, repeat until you've found the 1 way through the level.

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If you haven't purchased ODST yet and want to pick it up at Toys R Us.

You get a $20 gift card. So I won't be as upset I'd it's not as good as the othr Haloz.

That $20 GC will prolly be used for Modern Warfare 2.

Whick looks amazing.

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i play Call of Duty. never liked Halo

Im more of a fan of CoD for the gameplay. It's much faster and realistic. As Justin stated, you need a little more talent than just "jump, jump, fire, jump, fire, jump, melee." Throw a grenade in there for good measure too.

However, I like to follow the story line of Halo.

You also get all of the H3 expansion map packs with ODST. Just in case you didn't purchase them already.

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If you haven't purchased ODST yet and want to pick it up at Toys R Us.

You get a $20 gift card. So I won't be as upset I'd it's not as good as the othr Haloz.

That $20 GC will prolly be used for Modern Warfare 2.

Whick looks amazing.

Oh really......... This looks enticing.

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modern warfare 2.... i can't fuckin wait! hopefully i can keep my k/d ratio up on this one also. WAW is up to 1.46. cod 4 k/d wasn't impressive. thats the one i learned to play on, so yeah, i got murdered alot! lol

Haha take a look at mine on either Cod 4 or WaW and it'll make you feel better. Gamertag is CleaveTheGreat

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My son said some of the boys on the football team either left practice early, or didn't go at all yesterday, because they were going home to play this new Halo

This is high school football mind you..... We're not talking Midgets or Jr. High

Varsity coach was so pissed so many people bailed..... He rounded all the boys up & told them if anyone misses one more practice..... They're off the team

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My son said some of the boys on the football team either left practice early, or didn't go at all yesterday, because they were going home to play this new Halo

Not gonna lie, there was so much hype surrounding Halo 3 back in the day I may have gotten it at the midnight release and called off the next day. Was it worth it? Meh, it was ok.

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Halo Kitty 3 was OK for the 6 hours it took me to finish it. (nerd-rage)

I played online for a month and couldn't take all the 12 Y/o bailing early. Didn't reup.

Edited by jagr
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