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"Flash Forward"


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Based on the previews I've been seein' all summer, I told my son earlier tonight, and he was thinkin' the same thing........

I predict this is gonna be the next LOST folks!

Anybody else watch tonight???

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  • 2 months later...
I caught the last half hour. It's a cool premise. I hope it doesn't go the way of Lost and Hero's which keep getting more insane and un-watchable. I hate broadcast shows.

Never got into Heroes, which is odd, 'cause me likey some Hayden ;)

Think it used to conflict with another show of mine, so I never got a chance to get into it

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I've been following it since the beginning.

The plot has a lot of promise. Time travel for the masses, even if you didn't want to! Cool idea, sorry about all the dead people, opps.

But wait! Not for everybody, some stayed awake! Of course time itself kept right on going and the laws of physics kept working.

So it was just human consciousness that was altered....

The acting is ok. Some of the stereo typical characters are kinda lame but what can you expect from the studios these days?

They are at least average in their development.

It could well be the next "LOST".

Get those DVR's ready! :)

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It could well be the next "LOST".

Charlie & Penny are already on here.... Maybe Jack & the rest of the island will show up after the final episode this year ;)

BTW.... LOST begins Feb 2nd

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Based on the previews I've been seein' all summer, I told my son earlier tonight, and he was thinkin' the same thing........

I predict this is gonna be the next LOST folks!

Anybody else watch tonight???


I actually like this show, and the thought of it becoming another Lost and turning to absolute contrived, redundant bullshit halfway through the second season is just an awful thought :(


Also, if you guys are fans of good TV, hop on over to Hulu and check out the new Stargate: Universe series...it's really damn good. Fringe is killer as well, but it's well into the second season so jumping into the middle of it on Hulu might not be the best idea. If anyone is curious enough to take a -different- route to getting it though...shoot me a PM and we'll talk ;)

I've been watching V too, but I'm far from sold. They're now on haitus until 2010 and I pretty goddamn pissed they didn't show a skinned V before the break. It seems they're trying to play the "how long can we keep people interested without actually progressing the story any" game like Lost did.

Edited by Harb67
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