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This is gonna sound odd..


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Sounds like you're in need of tough love and perspective.

The way I see it, you have two choices to maintain your integrity, dignity, and independence.

1) Sack up. Tell your supervisor that you'll make it into work, period (assuming you're not habitually late). And you invest in some winter gear and ride the R6.

2) Sell the bike and get a car - the bike is a want, the car is a NEED. And it's even more of a NEED now that work is having concerns.

It'd be great if you can find someone here to help you out, but IMHO I see a guy with a newer motorcycle that could put that money towards a vehicle. I know I went through the same thing when I was younger. I bought a cheap bike, and a cheap car that were within my budget and I sucked it up for a few years - no bars, no vacations, nothing - just save money so I could have things. Priorities my friend, and sorry, but a bike isn't a priority if considering the other issues and concerns in your life that you posted up.

Or maybe I'm just saying all this out of jealousy that I couldn't have a nicer bike when I was younger? :cool:

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or there's always something like this http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1412138674.html

or you can pimp it in this gem: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1412077624.html (the racing stripes at 10hp - probably still has less than your R6)

who needs a muffler anyway? http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1412068443.html

i've seen worse than this on the road: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1411968512.html

Edited by redkow97
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I don't want to volunteer my brother's car, but it occurs to me that finding a college student without a parking pass might be a decent arrangement as well.

You pay the student a few bucks a month to 'rent' their car from them, and in exchange they get to park it in your driveway, instead of having it get destroyed on campus. Of course you'd have to bring their car back to them on weekends, or whatever, but some people don't use their car on campus much at all (my brother included. especially when he has his bike down there).

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