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Another one bites the dust.


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Wasn't meant to be a secret, just needed to wait til insurance issues were cleared up. Man you need have way too much time on your hands to go looking for pics of an accident during a trip you werent even on.

I didn't go looking for them............. a birdie sent them to me.............

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I moved theses posts temporarily since they're whining about it.

And for the record, someone who WAS on the trip sent me the link to post.

UPDATE: I got bitched at for posting this picture, yet Parks had posted it the night before. :lol:


So I'm moving this back.

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i know what you mean.......... this is our first in about a month and half for just us too. we were talking and we realized we have only been home to watch the first two buckey games. ever since we have been listening on the radio or totally missed it all together.

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