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Yea no problem...I could do this! :P


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haha its the one going up the hill tight left by a farm house if ur heading towards walhounding from tiverton.

it ok i pooped my pants on my motorcycle before too

thats the one......... and no more yucatan before rides for me fo sho!!

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gary mccoy, ftw!

They have done tests and actually shown that power sliding (aka spinning the rear wheel on corner exit) is actually easier on the tires the a normal power out. (At least that was before traction control). The reason being is that it only heated up the outer skin of the tire instead of the whole tire.

"Faster", anyone? :cool:

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it would read (you just divided by zero..)


You guys are too young - back when 500's ruled the World, almost all of the riders rode like that. Late 80's and early 90's had some the best riding ever.

Also had about 3 good highsides each race when they got it wrong or the tires wore out.

Holy shit man! Those are the greatest videos. I love watching the legends! Please post more if you find them. :cool: I'd pick watching that shit over todays anytime. :bow:

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Holy shit man! Those are the greatest videos. I love watching the legends! Please post more if you find them. :cool: I'd pick watching that shit over todays anytime. :bow:

The wife and I went to the Spanish GP at Jerez in '93. Amazing to watch them slide through damned near every corner back then. The tires of the day sucked, the bikes had too much power as they couldn't control it.

Took real balls and muscle to ride one of those beasts back then. No skinny little shit, 4' 9', 100 lbs riders like today.

Shit like this happened all the time:


Randy Mamola was my favorite rider - huge balls, funny guy and rode like a demon.

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Damn, you sure get around.

I have shitloads of pics from back in the day - but they're all on film and I can't be assed to scan them all. Should dig'em out and scan a few and put up a thread about biking years ago before most on here were born.

It'd bore the pants off of most people though:p

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Took me a bit to find this old pic...


Earache and the Mickster, Jerez '93

u sure are a sexy beast!

I have shitloads of pics from back in the day - but they're all on film and I can't be assed to scan them all. Should dig'em out and scan a few and put up a thread about biking years ago before most on here were born.

It'd bore the pants off of most people though:p

do it! i like looking at old stars of racing

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