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Hey Carrie... Where you gonna be at 1pm tomorrow?


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Ward, Roethhlisberger, Troy, the whole damn team :D

Ben making his entrance. We were opposite end...


Ben and Ward... Not too far apart from one another every game.


The Steeler defense.


Fox was on fire yesterday. Him and Woodley pretty much were over 1/2 the points the Steelers scored... Their defense is what won the game for sure...


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Both guys retired in like 99, no? No pics... Meant of the current roster that was there yesterday...

Not sure about what you refer to about the 600s... I don't have any pics related to any of that stuff... On here.

They both retired from the Carolina Panters I think in 2001 maybe. Greene works for Packers now off the field as a coordinator of some sort.

The 600 was referring to the amount of pictures you have. ;)

Awesome pictures, thanks for sharing. Yeah, when you said 600, I thought you meant from over a long period of time so that's why I asked for some pictures from the 90's. I misunderstood you, sorry.

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